Epic Journey: Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – Day 1
Tafseer of Surah Yusuf was a two day extensive course, and one of the largest AlKauthar South Africa events with close on to 500 attendees. A brilliant turn out with sisters outranking the brothers on this particular event.
Day 1 of the Epic Journey kicked off early with registration at 08:00. The venue marked out by landmarks and arrows to follow to the course seating, signifying much effort from the AlKauthar Organisers from the get go.
Separate entrances for brothers and sisters (men and women)
Name tags on the registration tables
Course material
Palettes are sweetened with dates
All registered and set to begin 🙂
Surprise… a CD of Surah Yusuf in the inside front cover.
Should you want to hear the recitation of Mishary, please download surah 12.
Also found on Mp3 Quraan.net
A brief introduction on Shayk Sajid Umar is followed by an immersion of the audience into the surah,watching the epic journey unfold, ayah by ayah. Surah yusuf is deeply moving as a story, mentally challenging as tafseer, and heart rendering as we connect with the Prophet Yusuf’s (pbuh) struggles, the Prophert Yaqub (pbuh) and his struggles with the loss of more than one child.
Outlining the Makki or Madani category of the Qura’an, as well as touching on the reasons for revalation – pulls the students mind to attention to detail and sets the pace for the manner of intensity and focus that will be apparant during the rest of the course.
Key themes like nazr, good character, dreams. silence, patience, understanding, and struggle enrich the audiences lives, not just as a form of story but on the tafseer levels as well. We see the indepth analysis of how just one ayah can have 10 lessons embedded in it. Shayk Sajid has great presentation skills teamed up with seriousness and an undertone of humour that makes the intensive 2 day course easy to grasp. It feels as if the lesson speaks to you as an individual and not just collectively as a crowd.
AlKauthar Institute provides the students with paper to jot down pearls of wisdom that later find a home on the walls. A great way to record snippets of wisdom, as we will see in the posts to follow.
The notes, slides and questions all form uniformity – showing off a well structured and well thought out course.
Little Explorers magazine series is launched in Durban. More about that in a future post – stay tuned
Day 1 of Al Kauthar’s Epic Journey was a huge success.
Brief Snippets/ Pearls of Wisdom:
- Discussing the evidences Where allah declares the quraan an ‘arabic quraan’
- Sh Sajid speaks on respect to parents. Followed by a nasheed recording by children. Group activity of each person picking up their mobile phones to call their parents and state their love for their parents as a worship to Allah. Deeply moving.
- You are in the duniya to earn your aakhira not burn your aakhira.
- Prophethood, piety And goodness are not hereditary traits
- The quraan is our constitution
- Don’t marry the girl of your dreams, marry the mother of your children
- 2 types of knowledge- acquired knowledge And inspired knowledge
- The unseen is not known to anyone but Allah SWT
NB: Day 2 review, content, pearls of wisdom as well as pictures are pending.