Category: Duas

Dua Toolbox: Salah & Parents

Muslimah Lifestyle’s Dua Toolbox brings to you 2 amazing duas from Surah Ibrahim. These duas appear in sequence within Surah Ibrahim and have great benefit and much gravity. Add these verses to your daily supplications, memorise them, save them on your phone, teach it to your children, insha Allah.   Surah Ebrahim, Verse 40: Dua for allah swt to make you and your progeny punctual in establishing the Salah. Surah Ebrahim , Verse 41: Dua for  forgiveness of yourself, your parents and the Ummah May Allah SWT reward our efforts and grant that we make the best duas for...

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Ramadan Dua Toolbox: The Ultimate Ramadan Dua’ List

Ramadan is the month to give heart to our duas. Muslimahlifestyle has found this amazing list by Shaykh Navaid Aziz comprising of 7 dua’s from the Quran and Sunnah. We have decided to share it with you. Print out or save on your mobile device for ease of accessibility. It would be ideal to print this list (or have it on your phone) and keep it handy at the time of iftar. Likewise, please add to your list anything else that you would like, especially that which your heart desires. For your convenience I have included the Arabic, English...

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