Hijab for Beginners: 30 Excuses for not wearing the scarf
As part of our Hijab for beginners series we’ve touched on the challenges that experienced by Muslimahs as well as some of the thoughts that surface when pinning ones hijab.This website is for you, the muslimah sisterhood. We are all bonded by the Shahada yet our lives follow very different, some struggle with wearing the scarf while for others it has been easy.
We have crowd-sourced from amongst our readers for this post, so spot your excuse. Thank you for all those who have contributed with reference to yourselves, others, your opinions, outlook and views.
May Allah swt grant you all the strength to move towards hijaab.
We’ve sourced 30 witty, real, silly, obscure yet relevant excuses used by the women of this era.
- It will flatten my hair
- It is too hot to wear the scarf in this weather
- The boys won’t look at me if I’m wearing a scarf
- I can’t find a scarf to match this outfit
- Scarves don’t work well on shirts with collars
- It makes my neck itch.
- I’m allergic to scarf pins. Really! My skin reacts to contact with the metal
- The scarf attracts too much attention to me.
- My lifestyle doesn’t suit the scarf.
- I didn’t wear a scarf because I don’t feel like being Halaal today
- Islam is in my heart, there’s no need to wear the scarf on my head.
- Allah has given me hair, there’s no need to cover it
- I’m not ready
- I’ll wear it when i’m older / after i go for Hajj
- Scarf is so old fashioned, I wanna be hip like the other girls.
- My friends will reject me
- My family is westernized and no one wears the scarf.
- I’ve worked too hard to get this figure. My clothes look better with my hair loose.
- Non-Muslims will stare at me
- Wearing a scarf is a waste of a GHD.
- ”It doesn’t suit me. Look at you! It just suits you!”
- I feel so ugly with a scarf on, then I’ll have to wear make up to look pretty. It’s too much effort.
- We live in a western world, not an Arab world. We don’t need to dress like them.
- I’m not convinced that it’s compulsory to wear a scarf
- I haven’t found a scarf style that suits me.
- The scarf makes my head look BIG and FAT
- Why does the world need to see me in a scarf to prove I’m Muslim.
- The Scarf makes me look old and dowdy.
- My husband / Boyfriend doesn’t want me to wear a scarf.
- Wearing a scarf puts my life at risk. I drive a convertible, the scarf will fly off or into my eyes and I won’t be able to see the road.
Funny. What about ‘my baby pulls my scarf’
ur baby wont take u to heaven!!!!!! Start wearing scarf sister….. It will be of ur good only!!!!!
Dear brother,
Sister yasmin is merely adding to the thread of plausible excuses that women use.
Thanks for dropping by our blog
What is wrong with u? U just dint wanna wear it. The end. Okay? Stop making up things! ‘ill die from wearing a scarfe’ If u really wanted to u would, but u clearly don’t want to so why write it If u don’t belive in the scarf when it clearly is in the Islam. Well okay, fine your choice.. Sister, Every Muslim girl has issues with the hijab at some point.. Just make the choice for your self whilst your just trying to convince others it’s a right choice… Only god matters. Do it for Allah swt, Do it for faith and do it because YOU want to. Be proud of what you belive in. Don’t be ashamed, you really should walk with your held held high. Your from a peaceful, loving relgion, why should u feel like this? I understand of u don’t want to wear it ATM, but ask yourself this.. ‘ will I allways be putting this off? Will I ever be ready?’ -sera mutyha! X
Sister forgive me, I thought these where your opinions on the hijab I apologize. Sera…
No problem sister. Our hijab for beginners series has alot of real life points that we focus on as well has humour, resistance to hijab, fiqh, fashion and problems muslimahs experience.
Thanks for dropping by our blog,
– Hasina Suliman
Love this post. I recently started wearing the hijab. I definitely used some of those excuses before.
This is absolutely tRu!!
The giRls use feeble excuses for not wearing the hijab