Upcoming Events: The Victorious One – Seerah (Madenian Period)
Event by Al-Kauthar Academic Institute presents a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED 2day course on the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammed SAWS. Journey through historic joys, sorrows, teachings and the greatest loss to mankind – the demise of our Nabi SAWS. Be inspired and learn how to implement the lessons of the Seerah practically into your life.
Instructor: Mohammed Cheppih
Durban: 18 & 19 Feb 2012
Venue: UKZN Westville campus.
Call: 0828607461
JHB: 25 & 26 Feb 2012.
Venue: Wits Med School
Call: 0723727707
Book now to avoid disappointment. Limited seats available.
Price: R495. Early bird special R350 (runs until 3 Feb)
The Final Prophet of Allah had many names and titles, among them is al-Manṣūr which means the ‘victorious one’, the title of this long awaited conclusion to the AlKauthar sīrah series. In this weekend course we will cover the life of the Prophet (ṣalla’llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) in the Madinah period.
The Prophet (ṣalla’llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said,
“By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, none of you will be a true believer until I am dearer to him then his children, parents and all of mankind.” (al-Bukhārī)
Spend a special weekend nurturing love of the Prophet by studying, reflecting and sharing ways to implement lessons from the Prophetic Seerah into our daily lives. It is very easy to read the Sīrah without taking practical benefits that you use to change your life and the society you live in.
In the Victorious One a detailed analysis of many incidents will help make this course life changing for you and your involvement in the community you live in today. This course is filled with lessons on what the role of a masjid should be, what is the social welfare system in Islam, the significance of leadership, how to treat other faiths when in minority and majority, the rules of warfare, the importance of freedom, how to engage in community building, the behaviour and conduct of Muslims and so much more.
Some of the highlights of this course include:
~ A focus on the society of Madinah and the effect of the migration from Makkah.
~ The establishing of the state with the first masjid & the bonds of brotherhood.
~ The role of ʿĀʾisha (raḍi Allāhu ʿanhā) in the life of the Prophet (ṣalla’llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
~ An analysis of the treaty of Madinah.
~ The rules of war & a study of Badr, Uḥud & Khandaq.
~ The Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah & the influx of new Muslims.
~ The conquest of Makkah & the farewell Ḥajj.
~ The final illness and the passing away of the Prophet (ṣalla’llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
Instructor: Mohammed Cheppih