Muslimahs Bucketlist: 100 things to do before you die
The only extensive Muslim Bucket list one the internet. All halaal.
Be sure to offer suggestions to out list and in our comments section share the things that you have done.
- Go for Hajj / Umrah – It helps you identify that qibla is more than just a direction for salah, and it makes all your islamic history come to life
- Fulfill the 5 pillars of Islam – Fundamentals of an able muslim
- Read the whole quraan at least once in your life in Arabic
- Visit Jabal Rahma – Mount of Mercy
- Experience the Plains of Arafah
- Read a translation of the quraan
- Identify a place that gives you peace when you’re turmoiled
- Know the Seerah of the Prophet SAWS
- Visit Madina
- Find 10 things that make you happy about islam
- Wear Hijab
- Witness a solar eclipse
- Write a letter to your parents telling them how much they mean to you
- Be able to pull off 3-5 good hijab styles
- Pick your own fruit: Strawberry / cherry picking
- Learn at Least 10 Hadith / Imam An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths
- Inspire someone to be better
- See snow/the oceanΒ (if you have never seen it)
- Sit in Nafl itikaaf at a mosque, in good company
- Attend taraweeh with congregation
- Visit the 3 Haramain
- Participate in a protest or march for an Islamic cause
- Be able to name all the surahs in the quraan
- Learn the 99 names of Allah
- Save money for a worthy cause
- Pass on nuggets of knowledge – Teach somebody something, you’ll feel better for it.
- Grow something – Plant a tree, its sunnah. Grow a houseplant, tomatoes or fruit. maybe even a garden or sunflowers
- Get your drivers license – it is empowering. (Don’t drive if its banned in your country)
- Buy Eid gifts
- Sleep under the stars π (Muzdalifah?)
- Surprise your family with thoughtful gestures
- Know your neighbors
- Learn something new daily – Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave doesn’t get more current than that.
- Go whale watching
- Know how to pull off a hijab appropriate look in under 5 minutes
- Visit the islamic museum in turkey
- Have a weekend with your girl buds
- Join a Halaqa group
- Treat yourself to a spa
- Give tasbeehs / Miswaaks as gifts
- Milk a cow
- Endeavour to start everything with bismillah
- Take time out to be by yourself to meditate and make zikr
- Make wudhu in the ocean, and Salah on the shore (beach)
- Master the art of applying surma
- Smile and greet other muslimahs that you don’t know
- Purchase afew Surah Yaseens/quraans / tasbeehsΒ for your local mosque
- Sit on a Camel / Donkey – Sunnah?
- Climb to the cave of Hira
- Make a will / testament
- Take a train journey
- Choose your favourite sahaba and emulate her
- Learn arabic
- Experience the Islamic Legacy of Spain
- Run a marathon / fun run/ fun walk
- Sip Zam Zam in the Haram of makkah
- Visit Masjid ul Quba – Islam’s first mosque
- Get married –Β fulfils half your deen
- Draw up a pre-nup before getting married
- Have a henna party – even if there’s no bride / wedding
- Sight the Eid moon
- Attend a ladies only hijab fashion show
- Own Hijab appropriate swimwear
- Attend at least ONE islamic convention a year, it will help revive your spirit
- Sponsor an Orphan
- Befriend a revert
- Travel to at least 3 different continents
- Visit all 7 Continents
- Develop the habit of using miswaak in whudu
- Own and wear a Aqiq (carnelian) ring
- Be a role model as a muslimah
- Watch a lunar eclipse
- Own a pet
- Join a females only gym
- Own / customise hijab appropriate sportswear
- Learn to walk in high heals with an abhaya (without tripping)
- Attempt wearing the niqaab even if its just for an hour so you can identify with muslimah’s that have taken that step
- Know how to make a short dua /durood aloud (for ladies only functions)
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Learn the meaning of your favourite surah
- Gift dates (kajoor) to people at the start of ramadaan
- Sleep on the beach
- Complete a 365 photography project
- Learn how to take criticism
- Have a MOCKTAIL party
- Stand on the equator
- Know what’s in the prophets last sermon that was given on Jabal Rahmah
- Invite someone to Islam
- Revive an abating sunnah
- Know how to ride a bike
- Assign a non musical ring tone to your mobile phone
- Give ghusl to someone who has passed on.
- Go hiking
- Learn CPR/first aid
- Shower in a waterfall
- Donate blood
- Lay in a Hammock
- Have a small library in your home
- Dive in an aquarium
- Visit a chocolate factory
101. Make up for you qadha salahs
102. Pay in your missed ramadan fasts
Very important !
MashAllah, good list, I’ll be following this inshAllah!
Shukran. Be sure to share your suggestions and progress too π Dropped by your site. Loving it.
I’m pleased that you like it. It took some time to compile. Feel free to add suggestions to our list π
Don’t forget to share with other muslimahs too π
Super super super like! π Masha’allah wonderful article sister!! π These are DEFINITELY on my list! π
Shukran, it took ALOT of thought / research and tweaking for halaal appropriateness π
Can I share this on my blog? π
You’re welcome to share. Please link back to Muslimah(Life)Style – And Credit Hasina Suliman.
I wanted to know what is “Haramain” ?
Wa Alaykom Salaam sister,
Haramain refers to the grand mosques of makkah and madina respectively i.e Masjid-un-Nabawi & the Haram of Makkah. Masjid al Aqsa is referred to as the third Haram.
Oh Subhanallah.. Jazakallahu Khair! π
Love it!