Facebook Hijab & Niqab Support Group
Everyone needs abit of encouragement now and again. Yay for hijab support! Be sure to join our Hijab and Niqab support group on facebook. (Simply click the link here) Note : This group is for women...
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Posted by Hasina Suliman | Apr 16, 2014 | Announcements |
Everyone needs abit of encouragement now and again. Yay for hijab support! Be sure to join our Hijab and Niqab support group on facebook. (Simply click the link here) Note : This group is for women...
Read MorePosted by Hasina Suliman | Sep 12, 2013 | Announcements |
A sneak preview for our readers – Coming soon on MuslimahLifeStyle: Feature on Pinterest The upcoming Alkauthar Cape Town Launch Books on Hijab Styling Hijab trends in South Africa Featured designer Tools for the Tech Muslimah Our readers favourite apps and much more 🙂 Stay...
Read MorePosted by Hasina Suliman | Dec 25, 2012 | Announcements |
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Assalaamu Alaykom dear readers, Muslimah Lifestyle would like to thank each and every one of you for your loyal support for the year 2012. Vacation is upon us, and we will resume updates in 2013. We thank Allah swt for allowing us this opportunity to reach you. It is only by his mercy and blessings that the ideas of Muslimah LifeStyle are able to reach you, that we are able to cover events and share information with you. May Allah swt allow us to grow in strength, number, and dedication as we move forward with this...
Read MorePosted by Hasina Suliman | Nov 21, 2012 | Announcements |
Just a notification that we are on temporary leave for the month of November. We look forward to bringing you more content soon. Thanking you for your patience. – Editor – Muslimah Life Style
Read MorePosted by muslimah | Aug 25, 2012 | Announcements |
September through to December is wedding season in South Africa with the weather warming up and moving into spring and summer. There is alot of focuse on brial wear, bridal hijab, how do you stay true to your hijab on the biggest day of your life, your wedding? How to pull of the best halaal Bachelorette party, drawing up your marriage contract, and much much more! If you were a hijabi bride and would like to be feature on our site, drop us an email on style[dot]muslimah[at]gmail[dot]com Stay Tuned for this...
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