Webinar: Ramadan. A Journey of Change
[‘As for those who strive in Our way, We will certainly take them onto Our paths, and indeed Allah is with those who are
good in deeds’. {Qur’an 29:69}[/I]
Thursday 2nd August 2012
5:00PM – 6:30PM [GMT +2:00]
Renowned Speakers – Inspirational Talks –
Eye-opening Fundraiser
All from the comfort of your own home.
Join us for this global endeavour.
Allah Most High Has Given us an incredible treasure and these are the days of Ramadhan. The Mercy of Allah that descends in this month is so abundant, prevalent and encompassing, and every act we do in this month is like a magnet. A magnet that draws the baraka and mercy of Allah Most High into our hearts.
Let us make this Ramadhan the Ramadhan of change. A change that will bring us closer to our Lord and Creator. A change that will provide us with the foundation we need to build on for the remainder of the year.
A change that we need in order to pursue our Journey to
Allah, Most High.
Thursday 2nd August 2012
3:00PM – 4:30PM [GMT]
All you need is a computer/internet & speakers!
Mufti Abdur Rahman Mangera
[ZamZam Academy & Imam of Masjid Quba]
Shaykh Muhammad Husain Qadhi
[Imam of Masjid-e-Umer]
Special Fundraiser and Eye opener to be led by:
Maulana Abdur Rahman Anwar
[Ummah Welfare Trust]
Brothers and Sisters Worldwide
Register your place TODAY by emailing: mhislamiccourses@gmail.com
A Global Endeavour that cannot be missed!
Spread the Word and Reap The Rewards!