Pre-Ramadan Camp for Muslimahs
‘O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so you may become Al-Muttaqun (The Conscious).’ [Q2:183]
‘In the FooPtsteps of The Sahaabiyat’ will be hosting an all ladies camp to facilitate participants to reap the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual benefits of Layla-Tul-Qadr Insha’Allah.
Synchronise Mind and Body with The Soul.
Come join in on an exciting adventure of discovering how Ramadaan can assist with:
- Understanding myself and those around me
- Get to know, like and love myself
- Overcoming peer pressure
- Establishing an Authentic connection with myself / mom / daughter
- Raising self-esteem and developing self-confidence
- Recognising Allah’s beauty around me and within me
- Establish Focus / Concentration / Connection in Salaah
- Unleash my Leader Within
Our Beloved prophet Muhammad(SAW) first came to soften the hearts of a people by teaching the Beauty of Islam before He(SAW) taught the ‘How’.
All activities will be centred around teaching the Beauty of Islam and the Beauty of Being Muslim Insha’Allah.
Our Motto: We learn through Play. Thus most activities will be packed with Fun and Adventure Insha’Allah..! Ideal for mom & daughter too.
Accommodation: Basic with comfortable beds and hot showers. Situated at the foot of the Tokai Mountain range, Breath-taking environment.
Cost include: 2 nights accommodation, 4 main meals, all workshops & activities.
Lets use Ramadaan, A Perfect Platform to get to know Allah….Insha’Allah
Holistic Camp for Muslim Ladies (Preparation for Ramadaan)
Venue: Tokai Date: 23 – 25May 2014
Cost: R420 per person
For more information contact Nazlie on: Cell: 082 4522140
Email: sahaabiyat@gmail.com
May Allah guide each lady to walk in the footsteps of the Sahaabiyat Insha’Allah