Free Webinar: Mesmerised
Free Webinar by I am Alima
Register for this event on : http://iamalima.org/events/mesmerised/
**NB: This is taken directly off www.iamalima.org – necessary time conversions for South Africa
Date: July 7, 2012
Start Time: 8:00 pm (GMT +2:oo)
End Time: 10:00 pm (GMT +2:oo)Price: Free
Whatever we may pursue in life, our ultimate aim is that we want to happy, we want to be successful!
With Mesmerised we are going to bring you an online conference, like never before!
We’re going to share with you how The Names of Allah are a means of ultimate happiness, and a gives you true success in this life and the life to come, inshaAllah!
We bring you ‘Mesmerised’
- 7 Sisters who are creating an Impact by the taufique of Allah!
- 7 handpicked Names and Attributes of Allah that have been immortalised in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
- 7 Personal Reflections of how they have impacted them personally.
There are many things which mesmerise us in life. They leave us in awe, and we long for them and hope one day they’ll be ours. However, everything is temporary, the diamante wedding dress goes out of fashion, and the craving of that scrumptious fresh crème cake soon dies down.
This aside, does anything mesmerise us in such a way, that all our problems become bearable, every hurdle we can rise above and every painful moment, is hidden away by hope.
Allah is Al-Muhsin, the Supreme Doer of Good and He is Ar-Ra’uf, the Most Kind, the Gentle. There is nothing which has the ability to mesmerise us like the Names and Attributes of Allah
, because when we understand who our Creator is, we understand how Beautiful He is. In fact, who is worth loving and giving everything too, other than the One who made us?
Everything goes back to Allah, Al-Nasir, the One who gives Victory.
However, He wants us to make an effort, to utilise all our resources around us to make it work, in order to achieve success, and then — depending on His Wisdom, He gives us victory.
This webinar will give you an insight into the Names of Allah which have impacted the lives of others, in hope they will inspire you to aspire higher!
He was strong, he was powerful and he made an impact. However, despite being a mighty ruler, a powerful victor of conquests and nations, Dhul Qarnayn in Surah al-Kahf ascribed his achievements to Allah, saying, “This is a mercy from my Lord” [al-Kahf: 98].
We have bought to you sisters to empower you, but ultimately all good is from Allah, hence the beauty of such a webinar. We take it back to the Creator Allah .
Let’s showcase the Speakers…
Alima Ashfaq |
Saiyyidah Zaidi |
Fatima Barkatulla |
Yasmin Mogahed |
Samar Mawy |
Faria Alam |
Haleh Banani |
Alima Ashfaq
Who is Alima Ashfaq?
‘Alima is a young aspiring entrepreneur and the Director of IamAlima. She currently undertaking a BA in Islamic Studies, as well as having studied under various Scholars and Students of Knowledge. Her vision in life is to revive Islamic Scholarship amongst Women in the West.
Sister ‘Alima also has experience within various organisations such as AlMaghrib Institute and has held Leadership positions. This experience has assisted her in creating ‘Attaining Superstar Status – Lessons in Leadership’ in hope of creating leaders in the Ummah and breaking sterotypes that you can be modest, have a family and still make an impact. She also takes a personal interest in personal development and regularly attends leadership and personal development seminars in hope of improving herself.
Saiyyidah Zaidi
Who is Saiyyidah Zaidi?
Saiyyidah is a qualified architect and has spent the last 10 years of her life leading multi million pound regeneration projects. She is a Member of the Institute of Directors, a Fellow of the Association for Project Management and a Fellow of both the Institute of Leadership and Management and Chartered Management Institute. She has many roles in life including being a mother, a wife, a daughter, and is active in her local community as a Chair of Governors of a School and mentor to up coming leaders. Saiyyidah recently founded WorkingMuslim.com in order to champion the Working Muslim.
Why have we chosen Saiyyidah?
- Saiyyidah has given up her multi million projects to stand up for her dreams in an aim to inspire other women. She chose her deen, over this duniya you may say. What caused her to do this? Islam. Why? We want you to learn by understanding what she makes du’a for on a daily basis.
- Also, Saiyyidah has a focus, which many women lack today. She wants to inspire working women and she is doing this well. We understand the need of focus in our lives and we wish to inspire you, through Saiyyidah’s example inshaAllah.
Fatima Barkatulla
Who is Fatima Barkatulla?
Fatima is an instructor and lecturer for iERA and plays an active role in the dialogue surrounding Islam and women. Having been grounded in scholarship from an early age, Fatima went on to study Arabic and Islamic studies in Egypt at the world renown Al Azhar University. Fatima has contributed to many documentaries and live shows which have been broad casted on stations and channels such as BBC Radio 4, the World Service, as well as BBC Television and Islam Channel. She also regularly contributes to discussions on London Radio stations such as LBC and BBC London. She currently resides with her family and spends her time bringing up her children in an aim for excellence.
Why have we chosen Fatima?
- Fatima has built herself us, she has utilised the resources Allah ‘azza wa jal blessed her with and gone to new heights, an inspiration for us and you.
- Fatima also has an eye for societal issues relating to women, and she makes it her duty to protect Islam.
Yasmin Mogahed
Who is Yasmin Mogahed?
Yasmin Mogahed, who holds a B.S. in Psychology and a Masters in Journalism and Mass Communications, is an internationally published journalist. She is also a writing instructor at Cardinal Stritch University, a staff columnist for the Islam section of In Focus News, and an independent media consultant based in North Carolina. She has lectured extensively around the country on Muslim affairs, and her written works, including a book chapter on the portrayal of Islam post-9/11, have appeared in print and online publications worldwide.
Why have we chosen Yasmin?
- Yasmin has a focus and this is to impact Islam when it comes to Media, she wants to show Islam for what it is and not what it is portrayed to be. She has a dream and she is utilising all her resources to make it a reality!
- Yasmin has worked hard and smart to achieve many things, empowering others to also follow suite so they can also create an impact like she has and is moving forth with it.
Samar Mawy
Who is Samar Mawy?
Samar Mawy Native Arabic Speaker. She graduated at the American University in Cairo, B. Sc. Construction Engineering. Alhamdulillah she had a professional experience as Project Manager for over 12 years. Additionally she memorized the 30 juz of the Quraan and in the process of Acquiring Ijazah. She finished all tajweed studies in Qatar and extended her Islamic Studies. She is certified as Qaeda Nourania (QN) Teacher & Trainer, as well as a Tajweed Teacher. She has conducted several QN and tajweed courses in Qatar, Malaysia, India, Egypt. She is also engaged with Knowledge International University and Qur’an Academy (QA) in giving online Tajweed Courses walhamdulillah.
Why have we chosen Samar?
- Samar is excelling in Islamic sciences and this is something that is needed within the Ummah as we lack when it comes to Islamic Scholarship. It is IamAlima’s long term aim to revive Islamic Scholarship for women in the west, hence you can see why we wanted to share Samar with you!
- Samar is also a sister who has Qur’an as her focus and without a link with the book of Allah, how can we be successful in both worlds? Hence, we have specifically chosen Samar to enlighten you with some amazing Qur’anic gems.
Faria Alam
Who is Faria Alam?
Faria Alam, 20, is a young Muslim writer, teacher and orator. She is an inspiring figure for both Muslims and non-muslims alike in her society, where it’s rare to find Muslim women practise their religion with confidence. She works on empowering young Muslim women by teaching them their faith and living a life upto their potentials. She is currently pursuing her bachelors’ in Islamic Studies and works as a Tajweed and Islamic Studies teacher at her local school. Other than that her interests are in cooking, developing interpersonal skills and spending time with the nature!
Why have we chosen Faria?
- Faria is transversing the path of knowledge, we want to inspire you to start this path and if you’re already on it, to add a structure to your life so you can excel in life, in sha Allah.
- Faria is young and she has a vision! We hope to inspire you through HER vision, and assist you to create your OWN inshaAllah.
Haleh Banani
Who is Haleh Banani?
Haleh Banani is the first female to host a program for Al-Fajr TV called “With Haleh” which combines the principles of psychology and Islam to help people reach their full potential and overcome their challenges. She has a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from University of Houston, graduating Magma Cum Laude. She has over 10 years experience in diagnosing mental and emotional disorders and administrating programs of treatment.
She started the website www.halehbanani.com in order to address the needs of the ummah and provide webinars for emotional and relationship improvements by a trained Muslim psychologist. This website has allowed people internationally to seek professional help from her through phone therapy.
Her focus is couples’ and individuals’ therapy where she helps people suffering from depression, anxiety, eating disorders and self-esteem issues. She empowers her clients with unequivocal amount of enthusiasm, compassion and support. She is an internationally published writer and psychologist on the website Muslim Matters (www.muslimmatters.org) Haleh received her ijaza for recitation of the Quran with tajweed in Egypt.
She has studied Islam by attending intensive programs with many renowned scholars in North America. She has lived most of her life in the U.S., and is currently living in Egypt. She has been leading halaqas weekly for the past 7 years in order to inspire, empower and guide Muslims and non-Muslims using acceptance, tolerance, psychology & laughter.
Her passions include skiing, kick boxing, tennis, traveling and all humanitarian causes.
Why have we chosen Haleh?
- Sister Haleh’s focus is to help YOU excel, to help you get past your troubles internally so you can be productive externally, we hope this insight will assist sister Haleh in providing a deep insight into any topic she presents inshaAllah.
- Her focus on psychology and Islam is much needed, and brings a fresh look into certain topics, whilst keeping within the Qur’an and Sunnah framework.