Upcoming Event: World House Party Week – Join the Dawah Iniative
World House Party is Your Opportunity To Put Your Hand To The Largest Dawah Initiative of Our Time!
World House Party is a campaign that encourages Muslims from around the world to hold fundraising parties, whereby guests donate a nominal amount towards a defined cause like establishing the ‘House of Needy’ or a dawah focuss like in the video below.
Sounds good? Is it only for London? NO! South Africa is joining the party from 5-11 DECEMBER 2011.
Do you want to get involved? Of course you do.
- Australia – Melbourne Madinah
- Canada – New Muslim Care
- South Africa – Rebuilding A School
- India – TeleDoctors
- United Kingdom – MyFosterChild
For more information go to the Just Go Party Facebook Page.
Click here to register your party
Sounds great but you’re stuck for ideas? NO Problem! Here are some suggestions to help you along.
– Arrange a party with halaqah groups in your area as all those ladies are already attending the
program so it gives rise to more socialising.
– A ladies only pool party
– Henna Party
– Pajama Party
– A mocktail party
– A braai event ot games night
-Are you matriculating this year? What better way to mark the cross over into a new life and celebrate the end of your schooling career. Have an After Party!!! The benefits are for a good cause!
– Have a Hijab fashion show
– How about a desert party?
The possibilities are endless. Just ensure that your parties have a halaal focus. Perhaps a sisters only, or brothers only, or even a family orientated party
Muslimah(Life)Style is not affiliated with any organisation or group and holds no responsibility for parties arranged.