Books: DON’T BE SAD by Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al Qarni
Title: Don’t be Sad
Author : Aaidh ibn Abdullah Al Qarni
Publisher: Dar-us-Salaam
ISBN: 9960850447
One cannot imagine the scope and soulful depth of this book by its simple yet eloquent title; DON’T BE SAD by Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al Qarni is a diamond among gems.
Don’t be Sad will become a firm favourite and a best friend taking its permanent place on your bookshelf. It is filled with simple advice which simplifies reality and hardship. This book transports the reader from the shadows of despair into the beautiful light which is bounties of Deen ul Islam.
The author addresses the various trials that a Muslim experiences, slowly yet surely aids the reader out of the slump that is sadness, depression and regret – to mention just a few of the disillusioned emotions that incapacitate our happiness . The book speaks to one in a way that is straightforward and much needed, everyday a new realisation forces one into a rehabilitation of sorts. Every word relevant to your life as the rays of light from the Quraan and Sunnah.These are feature on every page succeeding in softening ones heart and often bringing tears to the eyes.
“Don’t be SAD” stands up to its title and encourages the reader to grasp at the loose ends of life with a smile, while holding onto that ever trustworthy Rope of Allah for,
“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (13:28)
It is a book that teaches one how to handle life and all its problems and how to accept it and be content with Allah’s will.
“So live according to your reality without always envisioning the ideal life. One that is free from worry and toil.”
“Live for today – During this day you should pray with a wakeful heart. Recite Quran with understanding and remember Allah with sincerity. In this day you should be balanced in your affairs satisfied with your allotted portion concerned with your appearance and health.”
“The pleasures of life are short lived, and more often than not, they are followed by sorrow. Life means responsibility, a journey wherein change is constant and difficulties are relentless in their onslaught.”
Focal life issues like criticism, jealousy, appearance, anxiety and faith are all dealt with with such clarity that allows one to prepare for these events as a muslim should, by keeping faith in Allah and the bearing the knowledge that we shall all return to HIM (SWT) soon.
“This world is cursed along with all that is in it, except for these. The remembrance of Allah, what follows it (ie. good deeds and whatever Allah loves), the scholar and the student.”
BarakAllahu Feek Ya Akhawaat
May this book benefit you as it has benefited me and countless others
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This book actullay changed my life, isee the difference in me.. its the best .. makes u the most ideal person dere is and makes life rilly easier