30 day Ramadan Hijab Challenge
Do you want to wear the scarf but are afraid or not confident enough to take that step? The 30 days Ramadan Hijab Challeng will help you take a step in that direction, insha allah. Word
World hijab day is hosting a 30 days Ramadan Hijab Challenge Project.
Please spread the word by uploading this poster as your profile picture/Cover photo on social media. As well as tweeting and sharing this post.
To sign up, please visit: http://ow.ly/wLquf
Ramadan is just around the corner, so let us maximise benefit by covering up appropriately.
This project is to help and encourage our non-hijabi sisters to take the first step toward hijab, insha’Allah.
Start wearing hijab on the first day of Ramadan 2014 ‘till the last (June 28th-July 28th)
-Invite friends/family
-An open invitation to both Muslims and non-Muslims