The Muslimah Wardrobe: Weed it!
How do you muslimahfy your wardrobe? What should you buy? what should you weed out? Where do you start?
It may feel daunting to start a Hijabi wardrobe from scratch. As a first step begin with what’s already in your possession. There’s no need to toss out all your garments, but you will need to identify what is hijab appropriate and what isn’t. For this post lets assume that you are hijabifying your entire existing closet.
Separate your clothes into 2 piles:
1) Items you will wear outdoors and in public
2) Items you will wear in the home
Begin by weeding out your closet. You will need have an inventory of your closet, even if it is just a mental inveory. Should you be transitioning into the hijabi modesty scene, you may not know what items to keep. This post will help you formulate a vision by focussing on ‘Items to wear outdoors and in public’
- Toss out short skirts
- Toss out very tight tops.
- Try on all your short-sleeve tops. If they’re not too tight, question if it will look okay with a long sleeved top underneath or a cardigan over it.
- If the item cannot be adapted. Donate it / Give it away
- If the item is sheer and see through, chances are it will be best to bid farewell to it.
- Consider all your neutral colour tops. Draw up a list of long sleeve replacements for your neutrals
- If the garment shows off your tummy, you should let go of it
- Formal shirts should button up easily and should not be too tight in the chest region
- If you have not worn an item for a year, you should donate it.
- Skirts should be long
- Make a list of long sleeved tshirts in the colours that you need.
- Pants should be wide legged
- Keep your long tights, but these are not to be worn as pants. Tights are not hijab appropriate but make a good replacement for soft pants under your skirt or abaya.
- Sleeveless tops should be worn as vests, and if they can’t be teamed up with a long sleeve top, it’s time to say goodbye to them.
- If you decide to weed out your hijabs, eliminate the itchy scratchy scarves
- if any of your items are truly frumpy and uncomfortable, now would be a good time to let go.
- From your ‘clothes to wear at home pile’ , sift through it and be realistic. You may have invested alot of money in some garments but if they are living quietly in the back of your closet consider donating it.
- It may be difficult to toss items into a pile of rejects. Your inner ‘hoarder’ or ‘shopaholic’ may discourage you from eliminating items.
- Remember that everything has a lifespan. In saying goodbye to old items, you can have closet space for fresh new things.
- Shopping is a sport, so find replacement for all the items you want to give away
Next: Organisers for your Muslimah Wardrobe