Muslimah Today Conference 2014
Muslimah Today Conference 2014 is the 3rd annual conference for Muslim Women brought to you by ILMSA (Institute for Learning & Motivation South Africa) is South Africa’s only two day conference focusing entirely on the upliftment of Muslim women. For the third year in succession, about 200 women will gather at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Westville campus to listen to and interact with a group of dynamic and inspirational women who have excelled in/made a contribution to various fields.
Muslimah Today also provides a unique opportunity for women to forge bonds of sisterhood which transcend racial, cultural, demographic, age and economic barriers as participants hail from a diverse range of backgrounds, and many of them are sponsored so as to avoid an ‘elitist’ gathering of women.
Date: 16 – 17 August 2014.
Venue: Senate Chambers, UKZN, Westville Campus
Time: 08:30-18:00
Fee: R300
A nominal fee of R300 per delegate is required in advance in order to confirm registration, and a limited number of sponsorships are available for women who cannot afford this fee, which entitles each delegate to lunch on both days, as well as tea, coffee, confectionaries, bottled water and a small gift.Moms & Tots: Informal childcare service is provided within the venue to enable mothers to attend (a nominal fee of R50 per child for the entire weekend is payable (monies collected are given to our childcare volunteers who are socio-economically disadvantaged), and snacks/meals etc. should be provided by the mother).
Registration closes on Wednesday, August 13th 2014.
Please contact ILM-SA’s administrative assistant Aneesa Brits to register:
Landline (9am to 12, Mon-Thurs only): +27 31 207 6155
Whatsapp/SMS: 079 140 7422
Email: admin@ilmsa.co.za
Day 1 (Saturday, 16th August 2014
8.30am Registration
9:30am Introduction
9:50am Opening Qiraa’ah – Safiyyah Surtee
Session 1 [10.00am to 1.00pm): ‘Spirituality and the Contemporary Muslim Woman’
1.1 The Mind – Farzanah Mall (40 minutes)
Summary: Low self-esteem can serve as an obstacle in the path towards building a relationship with the Creator. How does a woman – faced with the many pressures of modern living – develop a sense of being happy with who she is?
1.2 The Body – Fathima Bux (40 minutes)
Summary: This presentation will explore the link between optimal health, particularly nutrition and the soul.
1.3 The Soul – Safiyyah Surtee (40 minutes)
Summary: Spirituality – we often view it as a set of ritualistic forms of worship – salaah, du’aa, reciting Qur’aan. These are inarguably vital, but how does one inculcate a sense of holistic spirituality, wherein there is a constant link to Allah twenty four hours a day.
1.4 Ahmed El-Kadi Hospital (10 minutes)
1.5 Questions and Answers (50 minutes)
Session 2 [2.00pm to 3.30pm]: Muslim Women and the Environment
Summary: As women we are often eager to campaign for our rights, as well as make our voices heard on a wide array of other issues. This session will explore the need for each and every one of us to also implement and call for environmental consciousness in our lives.
2.1 Shenaaz Muslim (40 minutes)
2.2 The Green Deen Campaign – MSA Representative (30 minutes)
2.3 Questions and Answers (20 minutes)
Session 3 [4.00pm to 5.40pm]: Islamic Perspectives on Equality
3.1 Gender equality and the Qur’aan – Quraysha Ismail Sooliman (40 minutes)
3.2 Eradicating racism in our midst – Khadijah Moloi (40 minutes)
3.3 Questions and Answers (20 minutes)
Day 2 (Sunday, 17th August 2014
9.00am Opening Qiraa’ah – Fatima Asmal
9.10am Session 1: Gaza – Lubna Nadvi (50 minutes including questions and answers)
Session 2 [10.10am to 1.15pm): The Muslim Family: Memories, Challenges and the Way Forward
2.1 The way we were – Zuleikha Mayat (30 minutes)
Summary: How have Muslim families evolved over time? What were our defining characteristics as families in the past? These are some of the questions Mrs. Mayat will address in this presentation.
2.2 Overcoming the challenges facing the 21st century Muslim family – Quraysha Ismail Sooliman (40 minutes)
2.3 Questions and Answers (30 minutes)
Session 3 [11.50am to 1.15pm): Mixed Session
3.1 Practical ways to assist our orphans – Mahmoud Youssef Baker (20 minutes)
3.2 Reflections on volunteering at a school in Kashmir – Shubnum Khan (40 minutes)
3.3 Questions and Answers (25 minutes)
Session 4 [2.00pm to 3.45pm]: Mixed Session
4.1 Know what you’re eating – Fathima Bux (40 minutes)
Summary: In this session, Fathima will share tools which empower women to make healthy eating choices for themselves as well as their families.
4.2 Socio-economic upliftment: a practical perspective – Khadijah Moloi (40 minutes)
Summary: Within the South African context, what form should our social responsibility take?
4.3 Questions and Answers (25 minutes)
Session 5 [4.15pm to 5.15pm]: Journey through the Qur’aan
Summary: In this session two of our speakers will share selected verses from the Qur’aan which have inspired them, and discuss their implementation in their lives.
Safiyyah Surtee (30 minutes)
Quraysha Ismail Sooliman (30 minutes)
Session 6 [5.15 to 5.30pm]: Conclusion
Presentation of Muslimah Today 2014 Awards (5 minutes)
Concluding remarks (5 minutes)