Organisers for your Hijabi Wardrobe

Organisers for your Hijabi Wardrobe

Organisers for your hijabi wardrobe is a topic that never tires and has loads of improvisations attached to it. We hijabi’s love accessories. But simplifying and storing your items can be tedious at first, not knowing were to being. After weeding out your wardrobe, organising is a great leap forward to keeping everything accessible to you.


There are many ways to Organise your wardrobe using baskets, hangers, special hangers, jewerly boxes and much more. For this post we’ll skip forward to the exclusive hijab additions like your bonnets and undercaps, alice bands that hold your scarf in place, scarves, inner sleeves and pins.

On a budget? An easy improvisation is to take a sturdy hanger, and attach shower curtain hooks to it. Simply loop your scarves through and they’ll be easy to find.

Hijabi Wardrobe
Hijabi Wardrobe

The Ring Hangers

Hijabi Wardrobe

These were first available only at ikea, and are now available at selected stockists in and around South Africa. They’re very sturdy and durable. Please ensure that the rail in your cupboard can widstand the weight and does not warp.


If you do wear the niqab (purdah/veil) trouser hangers are a brilliant way to store your niqabs and prevent creasing.trouser

The 2 clips on the side will keep them securely in place. Also keep an eye out for a variety of other trouser hangers that will also suit this purpose.

Clear Shoe organisers

Hijabi WardrobeThese are available in clear, plastic, as well as fabric varieties, depending entirely on where you get them. They are cost effective and an absolute steal when it comes to maximising space. Brilliant for storage of bonnets and undercaps as well as your inner sleeves.

Hijabi Wardrobe sleeves

Simply roll up your sleeves and store, they’re easy to reach in clear shoe organisers as you can find the right colour at a glance.

Pins, Pin Boxes and Pin Cushions

We never have enough pins. But storage and accessibility of these can be a mission if you have them all dumped into a jewelry box. These compartment utility or craft boxes are amazing to allow you to browse by variety. All your snagfree pins in one compartment, and you can arrange by colour, type, size, etc.


Hijabi WardrobeSmaller pill boxes are great for travel, or to pop in your bag, or desk at work for those hijabi emergencies. (Stay tuned for the hijabi emergency kit post, coming soon)

A magnet is a brilliant addition to your pinbox as it lets you grab all those stray and dropped pins.

pincushionPin cushions are great for when you’re in a hurry and need a quick stash for your straight or berryheaded pins. Make your own, in a variety of shapes or sizes. you can stick them up so they’re out of reach from toddlers and kids too.

There are tons of ways to organise your hijabi wardrobe. Upcycle old baskets and boxes and explore your creativity. The possibilities are endless.

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  1. Hadya Eisfeld

    Very practical ideas and suggestions masha Allah! For iOS users I can also recommend the app “closet+” that helps you get your outfits organized so that you won’t have to think about what scarf went with which outfit again? Very much facilitates packing for trips, too!

  2. Aaliyah

    My mom just made me the scarf organiser she saw on Pinterest using 1 hanger and old rings from curtains and it’s a lifesaver!



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