Discover Islam Expo 2013
The Discover Islam Centre has delivered on the request to bring the Islam Expo locally!!!
Date: Sat 06th & Sun 07th July 2013
Venue:Sea Point Civic Centre.
A major component of the expo will be a walk through created with banners, Exhibit & Stalls focusing on Islamic wear, crafts and literature. We have then incorporated the Masjid as part of the tour package. We plan to arrange a shuttle bus / van to charter guests of the Expo to & from the Mosque at regular intervals throughout the day. Also giving them the opportunity of experiencing the prayer times, etc.
Themes will include the following:
1. Belief – Arkaanul Iman
2. Practice – Arkaanul Islam
3. History of Islamic civilisation (society)
4. History of Science and inventiveness
5. Islamic Art
6. Family Tree of the Ambiyaah
7. Qur’an (and other texts and audio)
8. Contemporary Islamic society (incl. addressing Misconceptions in a subtle way)
9. Islam Proposition
If you have any questions or require further information contact 021 696 8375/6 or info@discoverislam.co.za