DBN : Free Workshop – A Piece of Peace
Are you looking for peace and tranquility?
This FREE WORKSHOP is definitely for you.
You…The Busy Muslimah, the Muslimah Student, the Single Muslimah, the Muslimah Mommy, the Everyday Muslimah and even the Supergirl Muslimah – You can be a Muslimah at Peace!
Hold on to your peace inspite of circumstances
Empower yourself
Attain the composure of one whose inner state does not change with her outer condition.
Grow your personal awareness
Equip yourself with steps to reaching a state of peace in an ever changing world.
Presented by International speaker and Author: Ustadha Rehana Shah Bulbulia
Date: Monday, 27 March 2017
Venue: Al Ansaar, 207 West Road, Durban
Time: 10:00-12:00
Book signing thereafter.
Titles :
Falling in love with Muhammad SAW
Happily Ever After… Journey to Jannah
Most recent release : Miracles
“Truly we are not physical beings attempting to have a human experience, we have to realise that we are indeed spiritual beings attempting to have a human one.”
For more information : Whatsapp Sister Hasina Suliman on +27839990071