Dawah Power South Africa

Dawah Power South Africa

Event by Al-Kauthar Institute  presents a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED 2day course on Dawah Power. Learn key skills on how to present islam in day to day situations. Be able to speak to anyone about Islam. We are muslims because of the Dawah of our Pre-decessors.

Media Partners : iTV , Channel International, Radio Islam International


Instructor: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

visit his personal site on: HamzaTzortzis.com


Durban: 25&26 May 2012
Venue: NMJ Hall
Call: 0828607461
email: durban@alkauthar.org

JHB: 2& 3 May2012.
Venue: Wits Med School
Call: 0723727707
email: johannesburg@alkauthar.org

Book now to avoid disappointment. Limited seats available.
Price: R495.  Early bird special R350 (runs until 13 May 2012)
Discount rates for students of Deenclass.
Discounts for Radio Islam, channel islam , and iTV

Online registration now open

Islam and Muslims are rarely out of the news these days. Most of the coverage is negative and it leads to a lot of questions in the minds of the ordinary members of the public. These questions and concerns need to be addressed, otherwise the negative portrayal of Islam and Muslims will always remain. It is therefore imperative that as many Muslims as possible are able to confidently and correctly answer questions about Islam. Moreover, this is the job of the prophets and is hugely rewarding on so many levels.

And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims.” (Sūrat Fuṣṣilat, 41:33)

So how do you talk to someone about Islam? What is the strategy when giving daʿwah? What do you start with and how do you deal with difficult questions? What of the existence of God, the divine nature of the Qurʾan, the prophets of God … how are these explained?

After much study and research this course has been put together by those who specialise in this area. It is the culmination of years of work by experts who have been in the arena of daʿwah for many years. The course is a practical empowerment of how to give effective and confident daʿwah to anyone. It will explain why daʿwah must be part of your everyday life. It will show you how to develop a basic but effective map of how to give daʿwah and will give you the confidence to talk to anyone about Islam.

Say, “This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him.” (Sūrat Yūsuf, 12:108)


Instructor: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

Course objectives

1. To understand why daʿwah must be a part of your EVERYDAY life and the HUGE benefits of taking on the job of a prophet.

2. To have an effective map of how to give daʿwah.

3. To gain the confidence to talk to anyone about Islam, anywhere and at anytime.

4. To develop your empathic intelligence.

5. To develop your conscious awareness of others.

6. To develop sincerity in our da’wah activities and life in general.

7. To empower you with the ability to present a positive case for Islam to most levels of understanding.

8. To unveil your “blind spots” – the things that you didn’t know that you could! (confused? Don’t worry!)

Course Contents

1. The call: its aims and its reality

2. Responding the call of Allah to that which gives us life!

3. Sincerity in the da’wah: why are you? Whose are you?

4. The bliss of da’wah

5. Uncomfortable Questions: uncomfortable answers

6.The roadmap

7. The concept of Islam

8. The God question: the Qur’anic answer

9. The book that shook the word!

10. You reject the Prophet, you’ve rejected your mother!

11. Sorry, what was your question again?

12. Development sections to improve ourselves as duaat!

a – Reality and Your Drama

b – Sincerity or Ikhlas?

c – What’s in it for me? Individualism vs Conscientiousness

d – Expression and Empathy: Can you feel it?

e – Listening with an intent to Understand

f – Yes you can: an introduction to positive thinking

g – Blindspots! Unveiling that you didn’t know that you could (confused? don’t worry!)

h – Fear in a turban!

i – The Reality of Allah and Connecting with Him

About The Author


  1. Free Dawah Webinar | Muslimah(Life)Style - [...] Dawah Power South Africa [...]
  2. Dawah Power Review | Muslimah(Life)Style - [...] or we have accepted the call to deen. We are muslims because of the Dawah of our predecessors. This…

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