Dawah Power Review
If Dawah Power with Sh Hamza Tzortzis was to be summed up in a word, it would be: “Phenomenal”
See also: Dawah Power Pictures & Dawah Power Pearls of Wisdom
We are muslim, whether we have been born into an islamic family or we have accepted the call to deen. We are muslims because of the Dawah of our predecessors. This 2 day long course in Durban as well as Johannesburg was a beautiful deconstruction and reconstruction of our mindsets on the avenues of dawah and our obligation as muslims to take forward the Deen.
Shaykh Hamza Tzortzis brings to the forefront of our minds the actualization that people are human and need to be treated as such. Each person has ‘Drama vs Reality’ which essentially means that we have a mental block, or we have taken a stance that prevents us with treating the Athiest for example, as a human being. We are often conditioned by the perception that the athiest is a nasty vile individual, and this is a false outlook. Being able the detach from this sense of ‘drama’ positions us at the optimum point to move forward and embrace the possibilities for dawah. Even the awkward topics or questons that people ask us can be used as a point to give dawah.
There are many memorable workshops during the course, creating portals of interactivity between students and enabling them to step into dawah-scenario-roleplay, build newspaper structures and practise their newly acquired dawah skills.
Affording reasons for the belief in the existance of ONE god, how do you change ordinary things into good deeds with the right intention, where are our obligations as the ummah, what is distracting us and scaring us off the path of dawah, how to harness your ikhlaas with the best of intentions.
The topics are many and create a domino effect within one’s awareness of the dawah process. Most importantly it gives you a new spin of what angles to use when dealing with these topics. Every conversation can indeed be turned into a dawah conversation.
Scientism in relation to Islam has alot of quantum physics attachd to it, and we find that alot of individuals divert their beliefs to the creation of the universe.
Did it exist on its own?
How was it created?
Did is come from nothing?
There are pearls of wisdom from the course, and of course Alkauthar’s brilliant students gifts are canvas bookmarks bearing the shahada.
Great course on Dawah Power with irreplaceable skills, subhanallah. Dawah power shows you how to have SUCCESSFUL dawah conversations. It is your obligation to pass the message, it is Allah’s decree whether or not the person will accept the message. Be kind. Present islam well, with conviction and ikhlaas.
If you are keen to read more on Sh Hamza Tzortzis’s works be sure to visit his site.
Also keep an eye out for his thought provoking webinars.