Category: Series

Pre-Ramadan Challenge : 99 Names of Allah

It is 99 days until Ramdan here in South Africa. We bring to you a Beautiful Challenge! Learn the 99 Names of Allah  in 99 days. Insha allah. Have you always aspired to memorizing the Asmaa Ul Husnaa? Have you memorized it and you proficiency has become rusty over time? Perhaps you’ve forgotten most of it? Here is the perfect opportunity begin, by heart, refresh or dust off the cobwebs from your knowledge of the Asmaa Ul Husnaa. We’ve decided to join the challenge by  Haafidha Rayhaan Omar (visit her blog: Fee Qalbee) – Masha allah! May allah SWT...

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Tech Muslimah’s Favourite Quran App

Looking for a wonderful Quran app with multi-functions to enhance your Quran experience? The Qamar apps 13 line Quran is our favorite go to app for when the Mus’haf (hard copy of the Qran) is out of reach, or we want to engage with the Quran without needing to locate multiple resources. This an amazingly versatile app that allows you to: Observe and implement the colour-coded Tajweed Rules or Plain Black text Bookmark anywhere Easy  Navigation For the Meaning of the Ayah just press and hold the ayah for options. English Translation by Sahih International Translations available for other...

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Tech Muslimah: TED App

We need to stretch our minds a little beyond our social media boundaries of Facebook, Twitter, and even reading the same thoughts on repeat. Exposure is the key to unlocking your mind to different topics and what’s going on in the world. I have found TED Talks to be an exceptionally enlightening way to stretch ones general knowledge, and understanding of the world beyond the news and Social Media Hives. What is a TED Talk? TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984...

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Tech Muslimah: Ramadan Tips

Here are some great Ramadan tips for the Tech Muslimah. Ramadan is a month to maximise ibaadah and connecting with the creator, giving charity, maximising the benefit of our time, and focus on our spirituality. These tips will enable you to detach from tech consumption, and focus your time and energy into other aspects of Ramadan. Maximise your ibadah and duas, whilst minimizing technology and media...

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