Category: Hijaab & Fashion

Hoodie Hijab Fashion

Hoodie hijab fashion seems to be on the upscale with more muslimahs aiming to opt for easy pull on hijabs. Initially mini burkahs were the in-thing. They moved into availability of an array of colours and designs stitched into the burkah. Soon the hijab cap followed with a drapable scarf attachment. These were soon replaced by pin-free hijabs which rendered more and more South African muslimahs tending towards wearing the headscarf. Pin free scarves moved out into brands and personal brand creation. While hoodie hijabs are beautiful and easy to wear, they have not as yet hit South Africa...

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13 Hijab Pin Hacks & Tips

Muslimah Lifestyle brings to you 13 brilliant tips and hacks to store, manage and maintain your Hijab Pins for easy access. Berry headed pinwheels are awesome. They are available in different lenghts as well as different shapes. Pop a berry-headed pinwheel into your handbag or makeup kit in a ziplock bag when you’re on the go. Ensure your pinbox can be easily accessible and well organised to make the maximum use your accessories. Large pill boxes and utility boxes make fabulous organisers. A Pincushion is an essential. Get one at your local hobby/craft/sewing store. Make your own no sew...

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Organisers for your Hijabi Wardrobe

Organisers for your hijabi wardrobe is a topic that never tires and has loads of improvisations attached to it. We hijabi’s love accessories. But simplifying and storing your items can be tedious at first, not knowing were to being. After weeding out your wardrobe, organising is a great leap forward to keeping everything accessible to you. There are many ways to Organise your wardrobe using baskets, hangers, special hangers, jewerly boxes and much more. For this post we’ll skip forward to the exclusive hijab additions like your bonnets and undercaps, alice bands that hold your scarf in place, scarves,...

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Judging the Muslimah

Muslim woman are not the headscarf or the veil. These are merely representations of worship. A muslimah has many qualities, her intelligence, her sense of humour, her dreams and aspirations and interests and hobbies. Yet most often than not, they are judged by the covering on their head. How justified is this? To be written off as a stereotype based on what you...

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