Author: muslimahstyle

Upcoming Events: The Victorious One – Seerah (Madenian Period)

Event by Al-Kauthar Academic Institute  presents a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED 2day course on the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammed SAWS. Journey through historic joys, sorrows, teachings and the greatest loss to mankind – the demise of our Nabi SAWS. Be inspired and learn how to implement the lessons of the Seerah practically into your life. ==================================== Instructor: Mohammed Cheppih ==================================== Durban: 18 & 19 Feb 2012 Venue: UKZN Westville campus. Call: 0828607461 JHB: 25 & 26 Feb 2012. Venue: Wits Med School Call: 0723727707 Book now to avoid disappointment. Limited seats available. Price: R495.  Early bird special R350 (runs until 3...

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Event Review: The Believer’s Mark #3

This post was put up due to a query from our comments section on this course regarding the permissiblity of Facing the Qiblah when relieving oneself. Below are the opinions of the scholars. You may face the Qibla if in an enclosed space, but it is preferable not to.  If there is a door / screen in front of you, it is fine.  You should not relieve yourself out in the open, at least screen yourself.  If your lavatory is built facing the qibla, it is a non-issue but do not build your lavatory specifically in the direction of...

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Upcoming Event: “THE JOURNEY OF LIFE~” workshop

Libasut Taqwa Welcomes All Sisters To A Unique Workshop اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّه. “THE JOURNEY OF LIFE~” A Very Inspiring Experience! Who’s Looking For The Road To Success? -EMPOWERING You with Life’s Solutions! -Remove Negativity from Your life & transform into a POSITIVE person! -Most Successful Therapies, tools & techniques to HEAL broken HEARTS! I -Learn how to COPE with Your Day to Day Challenges! -Learn how to DE STRESS & become a truly BEAUTIFUL Muslimah! -Discover your PURPOSE & add Meaning to Your life! -Beautiful Inspiring Presentations! -Anasheed & Drama! -& Much MORE! -A Scrumptious Lunch will be Served Date: SUNDAY 30TH October Time: 11am- 4:30pm Venue: Islamic Guidance Hall, 61 Essendene Road, OVERPORT, Durban. Admission: R125pp Bookings:...

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Launch Review: An illuminated heart, An Elevated Soul

The Pavilion hotel and conference center in Durban seems a great venue for a cosy ‘Ladies ONLY’ event like this. A warm welcome ensues by Nazeemah Soomar as the itinerary for the afternoon is mapped out and the  audience is introduced to Sarah Joosab. The opening dua is a fundamental for an event like this, which brings to the literary world an anthology deeply rooted in the Islamic consciousness. Tahiyya Square Publishing is launched with “An illuminated heart, An Elevated Soul” being its debute release. Sarah Joosab  draws on a powerful question: ‘Are we going upwards towards an elevated...

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Event Review: Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

Event date: 09 September 2011 Historically there is alot of interest that surrounds the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire. This day long course was very well structured and indepth on the Historic breakdown allowing us to understand the spread of Islam through Europe.  Click here for info about the course & speaker – Durban was afforded exposure to this course via Deenclass The prophet Muhammed SAWS said : “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonder leader it’s leader shall be, and what a wonderful army that army will be” – (Musnad Ahmad) Spanning 3 continents over...

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