Author: Hasina Suliman

My Attitude to Islam as a Woman

Doesn’t this elevate ones awareness? Pray as if  you can see Allah, and if you can’t then know that allah is watching you. Do we only worship Allah on the musallah? We need to internalize the concept of cutting ties. When challenged say: Allah i’m doing this only for  for you. Forgive someone who has oppressed you. The reward of ihsaan  is the face of allah. From: ILMSA’s Striving for Excellence...

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Event Review: Striving for Excellence by ILMSA

Striving for excellence workshop hosted by ILMSA (Institute for Learning and Motivation) on 26 March 2011. A very well structured event, rich in content and inspiration with an undertone of everyday practicality. Speaker: Quraysha Sooliman Quraysha Sooliman studied Islam intensively at a Darul ‘Uloom in Pretoria.  She is presently studying towards an Honours in Political Science at the University of Pretoria, where she also lectures in the same subject. A mother of three, she holds a degree in Journalism, as well as a BA in psychology and criminology. Quraysha authored the book ‘Proudly Muslim’ in 2007 and has been conducting motivational talks and workshops since then. She is a member of the Caring Women’s Forum, MSA Tuks and the Laudium Muslim Women’s Network. As a muslim one should spend each day aiming to better oneself. In this age of fast paced life,  we blur the lines of convictions. The ideals of taqwa become watered down by new definitions. Quraysha Soolimans seminar , striving for excellence, covered the evolution of sociality and morale, clearing out the fuzzy lines and focusing on the ideals of spiritual upliftment. An event like this is difficult to textualise as it holds different meaning for different individuals depending on where they are in their spirituality. However,  there were many gems from the event that were too great not to share. I hope you, the reader,...

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Blue Hijab Day 2011 – Autism Awareness

  As muslims across the world we have a responsibility not only to the ummah but to humanity at large. The world has many afflictions,many of which the Muslim ummah fails to recognise as part of our  human awareness. On 2nd April 2011, Blue Hijab day was the Muslim Women’s way of raising awareness about Autism.       Read more on the Blue Hijab Day initiative for World Autism Awareness...

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