Upcoming Events: Hijab Tutorials by Muslimah(Life)Style
Assalaamu Alaykom,
Muslimah(Life)Style will be on a mission… Mercy Mission 🙂 Our previous post highlighted the Dawah initiative by Mercy Mission to aid the poverty in Somalia as well as rebuild schools in South Africa. We have decided to invest our time in this worthy cause by facilitating a Hijab Workshop at an all ladies event. Interested? Here are the details
We are essentially looking to do 10 hijab styles, as well as afew niqab styles.
If you’ve ever watched youtube hijab tutorials longingly, wishing you could get it right, this event is for you. Should you have any queries, leave them in the comment field below with your details and i will get back to you.
NB: your info is not publically accessible.
Booking is essential to reserve your seat. Looking forward to seeing you there 🙂
– Hasina Suliman