Upcoming Event: Chronicles of the Shariah – The Evolution of Fiqh
Event by Al-Kauthar . Online Registration Open
Date: 14-15 May 2011 (Starts 8:00 AM)
Venue: DURBAN – UKZN Westville – Senate Chamber
Date: 22-23 May 2011
Venue: JOBURG – Wits Medical School
Cost: ZAR495
An event focusing on how the Shariah evolve into a complex system of principles and rulings, enlightenment on the manner adopted by jurists of different madhabs to find answers to questions. A student of fiqh cannot hope to understand fiqh except with a proper understanding of how fiqh evolved and why it is in its present state and where it is going.
Take a journey into the history of the evolution of fiqh. Learn about the four Imams, their history, their madhabs, the major books and the specifics of every madhab.
* The importance of learning about the history of the Shariah.
* A look into the Quran and its principles.
* Detailed look at understanding the sunnah.
* Important details and conditions about Ijma.
* The evolution of fiqh in the eras of:
o Revelation
o Companions
o 40AH-100AH
o 100AH-320AH
o 320AH – present
* Detailed analysis of the 4 Imams and their effects on fiqh.
* The Usul of the different madhabs.