Course: Understanding Islamic Legal Maxims
Course starts this weekend, Sunday, 29 July 2012
Al-Qawaa’id Al-Fiq’hiyyah or Islamic Legal Maxims are general rules that can be
applied in various fiqh cases and plays a great role in the formation of Islamic Law
because it is used as principles / maxims to deduce rules of fiqh.
The 5 branches of Maxims that will be covered are :
- “Acts are judged by the intentions behind them”
- “Hardship begets ease”
- “Certainty is not removed by doubt”
- “There should be neither harming [darar] nor reciprocating harm [diraar].”
- “Custom is an arbitrator”
Each of these will be discussed in detail. Complete course outline and structure can be provided by Madrasaturoaf
Dates: 29 July – 5, 12, 19, 26 August 2012
Time: 9am -12:30 PM. See details below