Ramadan Photo a Day 2012
Ramadan marks much celebration around the muslim world. A great time to celebrate the islamic unity. The Ramadan Photo a Day group on Facebook, is exactly that! A celebration of this glorious month of blessing, the connecting with other muslims, sharing in talent, thought and inspiration.
The photo-a-day concept has been doing the rounds on facebook for some time, the concept is really simple – you have a list of words or phrases for each day of the month, all you have to do is find a moment during the day that can best fit the daily challenge and post it back online – to the facebook group, to your personal profile, on twitter (#ramadanphotoaday), flickr or anywhere else – just be sure to tag the photo ramadanphotoaday so people can find it.
The words/phrases that have been selected have gone through quite a process over the last few weeks by a group of friends. As Ramadan is the month of the Quran – and muslims around the world will be spending their nights in prayer reciting the Quran, we decided to go through each portion (juz) that would be recited on each day and select a word/phrase that is in some way linked back to a specific part of the Quran. For example – on Night 27, you may be reciting Surah Ar-Rahman – the word for the day is – Mercy
The words/phrases are universal – and this is not closed to only muslims or professional photographer – it’s open to anyone, anywhere in the world. This is truly owned and driven by the community.
Please remember when posting a photo to mention the day and word, it helps keep track of the posts. Try to link back to the group and repost the poster to get others to join in. – Source: Ramadan.co.za
Don’t have facebook and don’t want to miss out? Visit Ramdan.co.za‘s updates of the photo a day group.
Day 1 An opening
Day 2 Spiritual Direction
Day 3 Signs from creation
Day 4 Lineage
Day 5 Inheritance
Day 6 Purification
Day 7 A sign
Day 8 Humility
Day 9 Personal Battles
Day 10 Repentance
Day 11 Gardens
Day 12 A Dream
Day 13 A Sacrifice
Day 14 Shadow
Day 15 Materialism
Day 16 A Miracle
Day 17 The Circle of Life
Day 18 Light upon light
Day 19 Criterion
Day 20 An animal friend
Day 21 Prostration
Day 22 Something you heart
Day 23 Something that makes you proud
Day 24 A Believer
Day 25 Something Gold
Day 26 Diversity
Day 27 Mercy
Day 28 Togetherness
Day 29 The Pen
Day 30 A Night of Power
EID Day A celebration