Gems: Ornaments of Beauty

Gems: Ornaments of Beauty
What is life asking of me right now, What does allah want of me right now? what am i prepared to sacrifice for allah? how much am i prepared to sacrifice for the rights of my husband.

When you find a rise in Muslim Ummah – you also find a rise in the number of great women ~ Muslema Purmel 🙂

‘We do not need to look to movements to stand up for our rights as females, all we need to do is look to Islam.’ – Alima Ashfaq

#Ornaments of beauty

Ustadah Zainab al Ghazel was blessed with a dream that confirmed the dawah that she was doing was correct. What a beautiful gift…

#Ornaments of Beauty

Before sisters become mothers, it’s important that they are able to give Tarbiyah” Sister Abeer

“Maryam A.S life shows that there’s One worth living for and sacrificing for” – Sister Abeer

“From the Maryam A.S’ we learn that in Islam women is not defined by men but with her connection with Creator” – Sister Abir

“Fatima (ra) might have been physically weak, but strength is inside….what helped her deal with all those difficulties was the strong connection she had with Allah.” –Sr. Taimiyyah Zubair

Fatima Radi Allahu ‘Anha didn’t see comfort and ease throughout her life yet she survived beautifully. She became the best of women. # Sister Taimiyyah Zubair #Ornaments of Beauty

Hardships make us better person. As we suffer we only go higher. # Sister Taimiyyah Zubair #Ornaments of Beauty

How do you want to be remembered? What will be your legacy?- Sr. Kanika Aggarwal

Maryam bint Imran’s teacher was not a ordinary person but a prophet of Allah (swt) Zakariya (as). Allah (swt) put her under his care.

#Ornaments of Beauty

Parents have a direct impact on their children, the parents of Maryam affected her. Parents need to accept their responsibility and those still have to enter this role, be ready to excel! #OrnamentsOfBeauty

The only woman who has been mentioned by the name in the Qur’an is Maryam (as) – Sr. Abir #OrnamentsOfBeauty

Maryam (as) was given a place in the mosque to learn called the Al Mirab. This shows gender equality in Islam, that Maryam (as) was given the right to be educated.

#Ornaments of beauty

A child is a trust of Allah (SWT) and it is a right of the child to be educated.

#Ornaments of Beauty

If I would live a short life as Fatima RA, would I be able to live a productive life like her? ~ Taimiyyah Zubair
The best of women, Fatima (ra), Asiya (as) etc, are role models for us so we can reflect on their lives and their accomplishments so we can implement it in our lives.

#Ornaments of BeautyFatima was brave, confident and courageous, even when things did not feel like they could get any better she carried on. She believed that Allah (swt) would make it better, that’s what drove her forward to carry on being courageous.
Like the time when her father was being abused by the people of the Quraish, she rushed to aid him when other companions were to scared to.

#Ornaments of Beauty

Fatima (as) always submitted to the will of Allah (swt), she never complained, she accepted the challenges and did not have self pity, because she had a strong connection with Allah (swt). This connections allowed her to carry on when things seemed to hard.

#Ornaments of Beauty.

Fatima (ra) accepted her challenges. She didn’t have any self pity. Life is very difficult, but the higher you want to go, the harder your journey will be. Hardships make you a better person! – Via Taimiyyah Zubair

Scholars have said, Hanah have indeed asked for an extraordinary child which was Maryam(as) and for the child to be that exceptional child. A mother needs to be that exceptional in terms fulfilling the purpose of living in this world. #sister Abir

So what are u thinking all my beloved sisters who are moms out there..get yourself started with passion towards your children to strive and make dua’ to Allah so that Allah grants each of us that exceptional child like MARYAM(AS)!!!

GEm from sister Abir:
MAryam(as) was an excellent excellent da’ee and at the same time she took care of her child by herself and was a very humble personality.

So, all the single mums out there, rise up and may Allah grant you the ability to rise up and be like Maryam(as)..indeed she is one of those women who are promised paradise!
Single mums….sisters don’t give…your reward is waiting!!:)

In Islaam, women do not get their status from men, they get their status based on their relationship with God.


Life is tough. Difficulties will come your way, and it’ll only get mor edifficult with time. But at the end of the day just smile and remind yourself, you’re going higher!

ONE WHO LIVES FOR THE AKHIRA, HIS ACTIONS ARE BEAUTIFIED # Long Lasting Beauty # Sister Faria Alam ~ Ornaments of Beauty.

Gems: If you’re really working for Allah, your tittle doesn’t matter, your position doesn’t matter. Its only your sincerity and efforts.

The reason Maryam (a.s) moved away while she was pregnant is not that she was ashamed or feared the society, it is because she did not want the Muslim Ummah to fall into fitnah and start slandering and backbiting. she feared the Muslim community will not accept Allah’s decree ~

Fatima (r.a) died at the age of 29 and she became one of the best women of all at such a young age. Many of us have already passed that age. What did we achieve till now?

Umm khallad witnessed the battle of UHUD with her husband, son and brother. All of the 3 were martyred, she carried them and headed them towards medina!
She is someone who had clear vision about hereafter, her keen desire to be with family reminds me of Allah’s commandement surah 8 (verse 77)!
Allah commands us to look for our final destination, Umm Khallad knew what she was waiting for, thus she envisioned herself with so many lives lost to still stay hereafter focussed!
Sister Faria Alam.
#Ornaments of Beauty

If you want a clear vision, follow theses action points :

1. Educate yourself about the Quran and the hereafter.
2.Strive to make your smallest deeds sincere and gain you reward from Allah (swt) in the hereafter.
3. Find the things that distract you from working for the hereafter and remove them. (such as idle talk etc)

#Ornaments of beauty

It is important that we stay focused and work for the hereafter. Without forgetting this dunya. Balance.

#Ornaments of Beauty

It is important that we stay focused and work for the hereafter. Without forgetting this dunya. Balance.

#Ornaments of Beauty

The reality is that life is hard and it is even harder when you believe in Allah (swt). Life was extremely hard for Fatima (ra) daughter of our beloved Prophet (saw) but she was strong and had a strong connection with Allah (swt).

#Ornaments of Beauty

The mother of Maryam gave her an amazing name, a name which meant ‘she who worships’ and then makes du’a for HER daughter and then her progeny. She has a long term vision for her child. #OrnamentsOfBeauty

Fatima (as) always submitted to the will of Allah (swt), she never complained, she accepted the challenges and did not have self pity, because she had a strong connection with Allah (swt). This connections allowed her to carry on when things seemed to hard.

#Ornaments of Beauty.

From the life of Umm Salamah we learn about sabr (patience), hope, wisdom, and we learn that trials and tribulations will come and that if we bare them then we will be rewarded in this life and the next.

#Ornaments of Beauty

The beauty of a person that works and lives for the sake of Allah (swt) , this type beauty is that which is long lasting and radiates day and night. And is not like that of the beauty in the billboards, but it is more special.

#Ornaments of Beauty

We need to strive to make, even the smallest of the smallest , good deeds for the sake of Allah. – Sister Faria Alam

Action points from the story of Umm Khallad:
1. We need to educate ourself about the qur’an and sunnah
Reflect upon it and ask yourself how much productive have
There is no conviction without knowledge. Make dua’ to seek knowledge and clear vision like that of Umm Khallad
2. We need to strive and make our intentions sincere to make smallest and smallest work to do it only for the sake of Allah.
So, we are prepared to overcome the big challenges at every stage!
Train yourself overtime, so that you can act at the right moment.
3. Avoid the following:
a)Distance from divine knowledge and reminder
b)Unnecessary gossip that brings no benefit, leads you towards sins.
c)Leading a reckless and disorganized life, having excessive food, laughter etc.

#Sister FAria Alam.

We need to ask ourselves how much are we willing to do for the sake of allah?

It is very natural that we become lost in this duniya, hence it’s important we remain focused, that we live in this duniya, but keep the hereafter in mind. Umm Khallad was patient, she was focused, she was beautiful! Via Faria Alam. #OrnamentsOfBeauty

Asma bint Abi Bakr spent from which she needed for the sake of Allah (swt).

The Question arises, How much do we sacrifice for the sake of Allah (swt)? Would we spend from which we love for the sake of Allah (swt)?

#Ornaments of Beauty

in relation to you children: ‘ask yourself Am i the voice that inspires them, or am i the voice that puts them down?’
_ Fatima barakatullah




Zohra sarwari

The father of Imam Bukhari was a student of imam malik

When the companions of the Prophet (saw) had doubts their mothers gave them strength, when they clung on to the dunya (this life) their mothers reminded them of the hereafter.

Asma bint Abi Bakr as a mother knew the best thing for her son was Paradise, therefore she pushed him towards actions that will allow him to enter Paradise.

#Ornaments of Beauty

Questions that arise from the life of Asma bint Abi Bakr:

Are we doing what we are meant to be doing for the sake of Allah right now?
What am I prepared to sacrifice for the sake Allah (swt)?
How much do we care for upholding the rights of our husbands?
What kind of message are we raising our children on? are we the voice that strengths them or brings them down?

#Ornaments of Beauty

Imam Bukhari’s mother never gave up! Every night she cried so that Allah swt would give him his eyesight back so that he could worship Allah swt more! ~ Zohra Sarwari

we are all in need of being righteous and pious. Zohra sarwari


Did you know that Imam Bukhari’s mother and father had a powerful vision for their child, when his father passed away, his mother, as a single mother worked hard to carry on this vision. And as we can see from the life of Imam Bukhari he fulfilled their vision. Alhamdullilah

#Ornament of Beauty


Imam Bukhari was taught by 60 female scholars ~Alima Ashfaq


What lesson can i learn from Aasiya A.S in the the 21st century?


The only thing that will help us gain success is the worship of Allah (swt)

#Ornaments of Beauty

Asiya and other great women in Islam have a level of dedication and passion that can not be shaken, this is only because of their strong relationship with Allah (swt).

#Ornaments of Beauty

Asiya was great due to her passion and her connection with Allah (swt).

#Ornaments of Beauty

Despite all the persecution that Asiya was going through in her life, Allah (swt) gave her ease, when she was being tortured she smiled knowing that Allah (swt) will not let her down.

#Ornaments of Beauty

Asiya and other great women in Islam have a level of dedication and passion that can not be shaken, this is only because of their strong relationship with Allah (swt).

#Ornaments of Beauty

The only thing that will help us gain success is the worship of Allah (swt)

#Ornaments of Beauty

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