Masjidul Quds : Hajj Seminar

Masjidul Quds : Hajj Seminar


The sacred journey of haj will be unpacked at a comprehensive haj seminar at Masjidul Quds on Saturday 31 August. Aptly themed ‘Haj a journey of a lifetime: the migration from ritual to spiritual’, the seminar will provide Muslims with a practical understanding of all the aspects of the holy pilgrimage. The intensive course is organized by the Masjidul-Quds Institute in partnership with Madina Institute South Africa and the Al Ansaar Foundation. Supported by Cape Town Muslim Events

As Muslims enter the season of haj, organisers felt it was vital to create a platform in which many people will understand the magnitude of haj, the fifth pillar of Islam. Programme director Hafiz Mahmood Khatib said it was geared as a “refresher course” for those who have been for haj classes, but would also provide some new perspectives on haj. The objective is not only for potential hujaj to be more informed but also for family members who are left behind.

“The seminar is for hujjaj embarking on the journey and for those who sadly did not make this year’s quota and are waiting,” said Khatib. “But we also want the family of hujjaj to understand what a mammoth task the haj is. If they are empowered then they can also feel this journey with our hujjaj. Hopefully, it will inspire them too, Insha Allah.”

The haj seminar was adapted from an annual haj conference organised by the Al Ansaar Foundation in Durban. The workshop will include a host of prominent scholars such as VOC’s popular QnA expert Mufti Abdul Kader Hoosen from Johannesburg, Dr Ebrahim Khan from Durban, Hajji Ahmed Saeed Mulla from Darul Uloom Zakariyyah, Sheik Fakhruddien Owaisi, Sheik Ismail Londt, Sheik Abdurahmaan Alexander, Sheik Sadullah Khan and Mahomed Nour Aswad from Syria.

The programme kicks off at 11am with the welcome address to be delivered by the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) and the South African Haj and Umrah Council (Sahuc), the body that facilitates the haj process in the country. In the first few sessions, Sheik Londt and Sheik Aswad will speak about the Zikr of Haj, while Sheik Alexander, well-known for his haj classes at Masjidul-Quds, will reflect on the history of ‘The Hajj of the Cape’. Sheik Muhammad Moerat from Muir Street masjid will discuss the sacredness of Makkah.

In the second half of the programme after Thuhr, Sheik Owaisi, who hails from Madina, will speak about the significance of this city. A lecture called the ‘The Inner Dimensions of Haj’ will be delivered by Sheik Sadullah Khan, followed by ‘The Fiqh of Haj’ by Mufti AK Hoosen. From a health perspective, Dr Ebrahim Khan will provide practical tips for hujjaj to medically prepare themselves for haj, while Dr Saleem Parker will inform medical doctors of their role.

Additional programmes include an ihram pinning for men in the medical area, as well as a talk by a female gynecologist for women. There will also be free medical screenings in the medical area. The programme will be interactive and will feature a live linkup from Makkah and Madina, as well as a slide presentation by Hajee Ahmad Saeed Mulla with exclusive photos from Makkah and Madina taken during the recent expansion.

The entire event is open to the public and stalls will be available to purchase food and other products. Women will be facilitated in the ladies section on the second floor of the masjid. “It’s first come, first serve. We decided that for the Cape Town community, we will keep it free to the public. It will be held inside the mosque, so hopefully there won’t be a space limitation. We just want everyone to attend and experience this journey collectively, Insha-Allah,” added Khatib.

VOC broadcasts live from the seminar between 11am and 12pm. ITV will film the event for broadcast at a later stage. Article sourced from VOC FM (Tasneem Adams)

For more information:
Tasleema Allie (Coordinator)
cell: 074 785 9147

Article sourced from VOC FM (Tasneem Adams)

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