Webinar Gems : Fifth Gear Day 2
Day 2
Day 2 of the Fifth Gear Webinar. With special focus on the final 10 days of Ramadan. See Post for Day 1 here
Faria Alam
- Life of your heart lies in the Quran, it provides you an amazing attachment to Allaah when the Quran is taken to heart
- Whoever turns away from the Qur’an and Allah (Swt), his/her life will be a life of hardship.
- Allah has kept happiness, only in His obedience!
- The quran is the healing of disease in our heart
- Abandoning Quran is abandoning pondering over it, understanding it, using it as a cure to all kinds of diseases of the heart and using other means, taking judgement from it, acting upon it and not just reading it.
- Just believing in the Qur”an is not enough but we need to act upon it.
- We donot want to be among these peoplewho abandon the Quran ♥
- “If you want a heart that is soft, then your source is this blessed book – Al-Qur’an, in this month of Ramadhan.”
- If we follow the Qur’an we will have a safe journey home, (hereafter). In it you have everything to have a great and beautiful life. It is not like any other book as it is the speech of Allah (SWT).
- The more we have the Quran in our hearts, the more stronger is our attachment to Allaah.
- The heart is a place that understand the Quran -Faria Alam
- Connect with Allah through your heart…. ♥ This will be the Strongest connection InshaaAllah.
- Life of your heart lies in the Quran, it provides you an amazing attachment to Allaah when the Quran is taken to heart
- Design the story of your life through the Guidance from the Quran
- Why is abandoning the quran so grave? ‘allah will honour ppl by this book and decase others by is’
- There are only 2 categories of ppl. There’s no middle path
- Allah will honour the people by this Book and will debase the people by this book. Sr. Faria Alam
- What are the amazing enefits of being a companion of the quraan in the hereafter.
- Greatest punishment in this duniya is spiritual emptimess
- There is no middle point. You’re either going to be honored by the Quran or humiliated by it. -Sr. Faria Alam
- We need to spend our time with the relationship of the Qur’an. Sr. Faria Alam
- Spiritual emptiness, spiritual void cannot be filled by anything except by the word of ALLAH, nothing can replace it, poor is the one who has heart which is away from ALLAH and in darkness. Spiritual emptiness is the most painful punishment. Faria Alam
- “Whoever keeps the Qur’an ahead of him, it will lead him to Jannah and whoever leaves the Qur’an behind him, it will drag him to Jahannam.”
- Transfer the quaan from the mus’haf to the heart
- If you memorise the book of Allah you will have the attribute of the travelling Angels.
- The Qur’an is a remembrance which gives light to our lives – Faria Alam
- “If you want a heart that is soft, then your source is this blessed book – Al-Qur’an, in this month of Ramadhan.”
- “The one who turns away from the remembrance of Allah, they will live a life of hardship, as they are not attached to Allah (swt) so they become attached to something inferior. They start to live in the constrictions of this duniya, rather than the expansiveness of the pleasure of Allah (swt).”
- Tip 1: Purify your intention.
Tip 2: Choose good time.
Tip 3: For beginners Start with Juzz ‘Amma.
Tip 4: Recite nicely, listen to a Qaari of your choice, read tafsir, repeat many times, join ayahs and repeat.
Repeat each ayah 20 times• Purify your intention.
• Ask ALLAH to make you dedicated
• No distraction, when there no sounds around you. After FAJR.
• Start from Juzz Amma.
• Understand Arabic: Half a page a day.
• Don’t Understand Arabic: 3 lines initially
• Read the ayah beautifully which you are going to memorise.
• Listen to a good Qaari
• Read the tafsir and understand what you are going to memorize for the day.
• Repeat 20 times before moving to next ayah.
• Join 2 ayahs and repeat to join them.
• Revise Surah in the salah. - –“Whoever keeps the Qur’an ahead of him, it will lead him to Jannah and whoever leaves the Qur’an behind him, it will drag him to Jahannam.”
Samar Al Mawy
- “What makes this Surah so great?! 1) To feel the power of the Qur’an. 2) In order to make it our guide, and our rider for this life!” Sr. Samar AlMawy
- Sister Samar starts with Surah Al-Israa!
- “This is the Surah is about the Qur’an, that the Qur’an is a Shifaa’ – Allah is entrusting us with this book and message and we need to live up to this message!” Sr. Samar AlMawy
*My sincere apologies for the low of comments here, it was iftaar in South Africa 🙂
Zohra Sarwari
Here are afew pictures from Sister Zohra Sarwari’s session
Fathima Asmal
- Everytime you fall , pick yourself.
- If I truly believe in ALLAH and His power I need to practice that believe. – Sr. Fatima Asmal
- If I ask ALL’AH, I need to have faith in Him and faith in His words: “Inna Ma’al ‘Usri Yusraa.
- Du’aa is an easiest form of worship, can be done at any time, at any place and in any language
- ’I acknowledged to Allah that I was weak, and I called to Him truly believing He would help me, and He did respond to my du’a’
- Make whudu, raise your hand and ask Allah
- Do not be selfish in ur dua’..and ask for everyone!
- We are lazy..we are either focusing on the relationship of this duniya….either focusing too much on other things of this duniya..but promise that from today you are not going to turn back!!!..There is no turning back!!!…we will only turn to Allah!!
- He is Al-Musawwir(The Fashioner)..Al-Khaliq(the Creator)..we ultimately HAve to return to HIm so lets strive and return to Him!!!
Alima Ashfaq
- Now that it is ramadan, shaitan is chained up!!So turn to Allah..There is no turning back(meaning sins)!!
- We sometimes think that we are sooo bad that how can ALlah forgive us….
- Umar…Nobody ever thought he would change…He wolud ever turn to Allah..even in our society we say that so and so is never gonna change…He is never going to turn to Allah…But Allah sho
- wed with Umar(ra) that if Allah can change his heart then why not us!!>…If Umar can cahnge his habits with The help of ALLAH(SWT) ALONE then why cant we…?????
- Another example: wife of Abu Sufyan: Hind….She caused a lot of harm to muslims…she has comitted so many sins that nobody ever thought that she iwll turn to Allah…but she did!!
- We fall into the problem of backbiting…telling lies..but we can change with the help ALlah(swt)..!!If Allah can change her heart then why cant we change our heart with the help of ALlah(swt)!!
- IF U REALLY WISH A TURNING POINT u have to ask from ALLAH!!!
- Make the decision that THERE IS NO TURNING BACK!!!
Subhanallah, a very uplifting and enlighting webinar. May Allah swt accept the efforts of the speakers and all those involved in making the webinar a success. May we share these gems for the pleasure of Allah, and may it be of benefit to all whom it reaches. Ameen. – Hasina Suliman, Muslimahlifestyle.com