Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce
Join Sh. Muneer Abduroaf (Shariah Law Graduate, South African Law Attorney, UWC Lecturer & Marriage Officer) and Sh. Khalid Abduroaf (Shariah Law Graduate & Marriage Officer) at the Highlands Waqaf Trust for a 5 day course on the Fiqh of Marriage & Divorce and learn all about the Fiqh pertaining to Engagement, Marriage, Divorce, Fosterage, Maintenance, Child Custody and more.
Aspects of the current Muslim Marriages Bill and the appointment of the Muslim Marriage Officers will also be looked at.
Dates: Sunday Mornings of 03, 10, 17, 24, 31 August 2014
Times: 10:10 AM – 12: 10 PM.
Cost: R 150 for the 5 Days. Limited amount of Bursaries available upon request.
Venue: Highlands Waqaf Trust Lecture Room in Highlands Estate At the Masjidur-Raoof Complex.
Register on-line at www.hwt.org.za or call 021 823 7572.
Madrasatur-Raoof / Masjidur-Raoof (Highlands Estate)
Incorporated under Highlands Waqaf Trust – Est. 2000
Erf 62 Dietrich Road, Highlands Estate
Cell 081 270 7585
Fax 086 731 9958
Email office.hwt@gmaHil.com