Hajj Series: Pre-lude
Dear Readers and sisters embarking on Hajj,
Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of islam for those who are able. Time is drawing closer and many sisters are gearing up to embark on this journey of a life time. Muslimah(Life)Style wishes to share in your joy of being the guest of Allah SWT, and hopes that our series of upcoming posts will equip you with the information you need in order to pack, gear yourself mentally, dealing with menstruation/haidh on hajj, key words and arabic phrases to assist you on your hajj, as well as offer you the vital pegs to wrap your mind around what to expect on this blessed journey.
I’ve embarked on hajj2010 (last year) so if sisters feel they may want to interact with me about my hajj experiencs, please inbox Muslimah Lifestyle on the address: Hasina[at]muslimahlifestyle[dot]com – Use the necessary email symbols for dot and at please. It has been textualized as such to avoid online spam.
Please feel free to use our comments section or personal messages to our email. Looking forward to be of assistance to you. Stay tuned as the weeks ahead will unfold a hive of useful posts for you. It would be appreciated if you referred our Hajj Series to other sisters. Knowledge shared is a blessing.
All the best to those embarking on haj2011, and dua’s for each of us to fulfill this pillar of our deen insha-Allah.
Heartfelt wishes,
Hasina Suliman
Looking forward to reading your experiences and advices. I have not had the honour of being invited for Hajj, though i have been for Umrah and i pray Allah accepts me for Hajj soon Aameen.