Foundations of Faith
Exclusive to Cape Town
2 day long Seminar, Foundations of Faith – Hosted by Al-Huda
Event Details:
Date: 09 & 10 June 2012
Time: 08:30 till Maghrib
Venue: Burnley Lodge – Rondebosch East
Fee: R50 for both Days
Do we actualize Allah (SWT) as the powerhouse of the universe? Do we recall what it means to be A Slave of Allah (an Abd of Allah)? Do we remember the fundamentals of being Muslim?
Affirm your Shahada (Profession of Faith):
‘There is absolutely no deity worthy of Worship besides Allah(SWT), & Muhammed (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah’
As true believers we need to reaffirm our connection to Allah (SWT). We need refresh our convictions to the Deen of Islam, and often we need to reflect on the source and foundations of our religion, in order to reaffirm and re-establish our connection to Allah (SWT).
Knowledge frees you. It structures the way a Muslim should live in accordance to the laws of Allah (SWT). Being firmly rooted in core beliefs equips us with the conviction to uphold Islam in our lives and it protects us from straying from the right path. Strive for jannah and be the best Muslim that you can be!
The Foundations of Faith seminar will take you on a journey, realign your thoughts and enhance the awareness required to nurture strong Imaan. To attain the blessings of Allah (SWT) we need to begin somewhere. This 2-day seminar will give you an Imaan boost to move forward into your life and be conscious of Allah (SWT). Let us strive to be from amongst the righteous and beautify our Imaan for the sake of Allah (SWT). We can all be from amongst the Best of the Believers.
The Seminar will be presented by:
- Sheikh Taariq Appleby
- Sheikh Yusuf Gassiep
- Maulana Yaseen Adam
- Sheikh Muhammed West
- Maulana Shuaib Appleby
- Maulana Ashiq Hill
- Nadia Nisar on 073 267 1557
- Muhammad West on 082 785 0032
- Sulaiman Nisar on 073 971 0877
- Aneesa Adams on 0216966889
- Nur Ahmad Furlong on 0732580215
BOOK NOW on the Al Huda website!
Visit their facebook fan page for updates – https://www.facebook.com/
Website: www.al-huda.co.za Email : alhudafoundation@gmail.com
Assalamualikum warahamthullahi wabarakathu, Alhamdullilah it is with great pleasure to say that the seminar was of great success and a start for the Cape Town community to learn on what is our faith and what is required of us to follow and believe in as muslims. Inshallah the Al Huda foundation team is planning to have more seminars of this nature and possibly reruns to make sure everyone benefits by gaining fruitful knowledge that will grant us success in this world and the hereafter inshallah. Jazakallah Khair.