Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce
The topics of weddings and marriage are met with many emotions, from enthusiasm and glee to concern and anxiety. In this day and age, we find that more and more muslimahs are delaying the step to marriage for a plethora of reasons. There are many challenges that face the single muslimah, from finding a potential spouse who is on the same level of understanding as them, to meeting brothers who are grounded in their beliefs and fit the category of a ‘practising Muslim’, and much much more.
For our Bridal Series – As a first step to understanding marriage, we are sharing 2 video links below on the fiqh of Marriage and Divorce. You may question why we would need to share the fiqh of divorce as well, at the beginning of a bridal series. Simply put, marriage is a contract, and divorce is termination of that contract. It is essential to have an understanding of both these concepts to first protect your rights as a muslimah, and secondly not infringe on the rights of your spouse. You will not be accountable for the rights you have not redeemed within your marriage, but you will be accountable for fulfilling your responsibilities within your marriage or not fulfilling them.
Many have found themselves turning away from the mental conditioning of western society and seeking the Islamic perspective with the goal to attain the pleasure of Allah (swt). Marriage allows one to enter into the halaal companionship and is in itself an act of worship. Subhanallah.
Part 1 :
Part 2:
We acknowledge that some users don’t have a workable internet connection in order to stream this. Should you be interested in the above 2 part video on the fiqh of marriage and divorce, simply mail your name, contact number and postal address to us on:
We have 10 copies that we will post (free) to the interested readers, insha-allah.
NB: This is only open to South African readers.