Event Review: The World of the Unseen #1

Event Review: The World of the Unseen #1

The World of the Unseen – belief in the last day, is a vital part of our religious construct. AlKauthar Academic Institute  hosted a 2 day course in Johannesburg as well as Durban in September, presented by Shaykh Isam Rajab.

Being able to identify the signs of the hour, both major and minor is startling as it makes one review the state of the world we live in. Minor signs of the hour include the demise of Nabi SAWs, spread of zina, spread of riba, excessive killing and wars. There are about 10 minor signs of Qiyaamah and 70 or more major signs.

Death and life in the barzakh is often shrouded in fear, misunderstanding or confusion. It is imperative to refer to the Quraan and the ahadith in order to gain perspective on this, as no one has been to the hereafter  and returned to report their findings to us. As a believer one needs to accept and belief in the last day as a static and vital point in out religious construct. Life precedes death. Death can strike at anytime so there is is much solace in hoping for a good closure to your life when it is taken. The course touches on signs for a good end – a point of focus that will automatically draw reflection in the student, to their own lives and the passing on of people. The topic of the qabr (grave) has many worries over the questions that will be asked and the angels that will be encountered therin.
There is the burning question of “Where do souls go after they have passed on?”

The resurrection, the day of judgement, the plight of the disbelievers are all topics that make you fearful of the life you have lead, concerned over your life in the hereafter and hopeful in the belief in the mercy of Allah (SWT).  The course itself is extremely extensive with ‘Question and Answer sessions’ that allow the students to interact with the shaykh.

Shaykh Isam Rajabs presentation reaches a dramatic point when discussing the Standing and Awaiting judgement as well as the intercession. The pool (Al-Hawd / Al-Kawthar) and the Assirat are pinnacle points from the course that make ones hair stand on ends. We are each accountable for our deeds yet we have no precognition of the scare and the weight of our actions.

A topic like this would be incomplete without discussing the benefiits of Jannah (Paradise) and the plight of Jahannam (Hellfire) and the greatest rewards of our lives in totality being the gift of seeing Allah SWT.

The course draws to a close with some suggested reading.

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  1. Event Review: The World of the Unseen #2 « Muslimah(Life)Style - [...] pictures from the World of the Unseen course by Alkauthar Institute South Africa. For more information on their courses…
  2. Event Review : The World of the Unseen #3 « Muslimah(Life)Style - [...] pictures from the World of the Unseen course by Alkauthar Institute South [...]

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