DBN Workshop: Reclaim Your Heart
An event for women only!
Why do people have to leave each other?
People leave, But do they return?
Is this really Love that I’m feeling?
A Successful Marriage : The Missing link
Hurt by Others : How to Cope and Heal
Pain, Loss and the Path to God
Salaah : Life’s Forgotten Purpose
Salaah and the Worst Kind of Theft
This workshop is based on the popular book, Reclaim Your Heart which written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness and pain. It can be deems a manual of sorts. Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual to protect your most prized possession – the heart.
So , who or what is your heart attached to?
Isn’t it time to take it back and place it with its rightful owner?
Come and find out how………In a WORKSHOP facilitated by SISTER ROSHAAN MISBACH who has successfully run several such workshops in Cape Town
DATE: Sat 28 – Sun 29 March 2015
VENUE: Senate Chamber, UDW
TIME: 8.45am- 3.00pm
COST: R250
Naseema Vawda 0825550787
Rookaya Vawda 0836231154
All surplus funds to be donated to Bloemfontein Winter Warm insha’Allah
Sister Roshaan Misbach
Born in Cape Town,41 years old, graduate of Darun Naim ( Daarul Uloom in Wynberg). She is a Business Analyst and Trainer by profession. At 34 decided to leave the corporate life to pursue full time Islamic Studies. She has established and runs a youth group called Annur Sisterhood and established a bookclub called Annur Book Club.
Sister Roshaan conducts self development and parenting workshops for females including youth, runs life skills classes at hifdh schools as well as camps for mothers and daughters.
Testimonials from attendees of previous workshops:
“Some of Muallimah Roshan’s words still echo in my head today, more than a year after I attended her course. She’s an empathic, gentle and passionate speaker; she speaks from the heart and offers a fresh and reassuring perspective on what it means to be a Muslimah. ” Midlands Mum and Daughters Retreat – December 2013
” When I reflect on the last year of my life – I truly think that the best thing I could have done for myself and my Deen was to attend the retreat. Muallimah not only inspires you but gives you practical tips on how to become steadfast in your deen” Midlands Mum and Daughters Retreat – December 2013