Category: Inspiration

For the Love (of Islam) – Bonaa Mohammed

Love? not that kind of love. This is a brilliant encapsulation of reverence of Allah SWT’s gift to us…Deen al Islam You should only say “I love you” when it is completely obvious, And does not actually need to be said. So I pray to God that I love her, Until my very last breath. Wallahi, she is perfect. Everything about her just makes perfect sense, And every time I get lost or confused, She is a true friend. Ever since I was a child, we used to study on the weekends. I mean some of the brothers liked...

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The one who created us

We spend so much time looking for the next big thing, the next rush of joy, something… anything to make us less miserable. We drift and drift and we forget… that all things go to Allah swt for the Final Decision. Happiness too comes from being close to the one who created...

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