Cape Town Hijab Expo 2014
Hijab Expo 2014: Sat 6 Dec – What to expect at the Expo
Book your session now!
***Beauty of Hijab: Scarf Styling by Reesh***
11:00-11:30 Scarf styling Tutorial #1: Summer breeze*
A tutorial on that oh-so-casual“I-just-threw-this-on” look
12:00-12:30 “Ask me about Hijab”
Come and curl up on our couch, have a cuppa chai andchat to our revert friends about how they overcame their hijab phobias
14:00-14:30 Scarf styling Tutorial #2: Elegance – the Eid Range*
A tutorial on effortless elegance that you can nowhave everyday
15:00-15:30 “Ask me about Hijab”& Hayaa Campaign
All your hijabi stresses answered in our Q&ASession with you, our sisters and the An-Nur Sisterhood’s Hayaa Campaigners
15:45-16:15 Scarf styling Tutorial #3: Flare*
A tutorial for THAT event, you know the one – whereyou need your Hijab to be at its most fabulous best
Bookings are essential – each tutorial consists of 7 seats, so why not group book for you and your friends?
*Cost per tutorial: R125 – includes a goody bag consisting of a scarf, pins, tube and a Reesh “know your face shape” catalogue.
***Barakah in Bismillah: Cooking Classes***
10:00-10:45 Junior Baker: Decorator R60 per participant
Join our junior home-chef who will help you decorate a deliciouslayered cake. Take home your scrumptious cake, chef burgha and certificate! Kids age 5 and up.
10:50-11:30 Kooking Kids: Cool cooks R60 per participant
Gain kitchen confidence. Our home-chef will help you create adelicious, easy meal for you to take home and enjoy with your family. Take homeyour delectable meal, chef burgha and certificate! Kids age 7 and up.
11:45-12:30 Italian Flare R150 per participant
Let our celebrity chef teach you how to make a fabulous lasagne.Acquire skills that will allow you to prepare many other dishes. Enjoy the lasagne that you’ve prepared in class, in the comfort of your home.
13:30-14:30 Cooking experience with Zeenat Parker R200 per participant
Let Zeenat show you how to prepare tasty meals with your choice ofchicken, meat or fish. Ramp up the taste with Zeenat’s sauces. Ideal for thosewho need to prepare tasty meals with limited time available. Indicate yourchoice and you will get to take home a prepped meal suited to yourrequirements.
15:00-16:00 Easy Entertaining R150 per participant
Make entertaining easy but stylish. Master the art of stunningstarters that can be attempted whatever your cooking skills are. Session suitable for everyone.
16:15-17:15 Sweet Sensation R80 per participant
Learn how to make delightful desserts to impress your guests. Takehome a mouth-watering box of sweet treats created in your sweet sensation session.
***Living Optimally – Health &Wellness***
10:00-10:30: Aneesa Rawoot (Doulah & Infant Massage Therapist)
Preparingfor natural birth
11:00-11:15: Dr Yasmin Brey (General Practitioner)
How the body changes…From little girl to young lady
11:30- 11:45: Dr Ferial De Jongh (Unani Tibb Doctor)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
12:00-12:15: Nasiera Saiet (Physiotherapist)
Stress and its role in Myofascial pain syndrome
12:30-12:45: Celeste Taylor (Occupational Therapist)
Stress management and relaxation/ breathing exercise classesShe
13:30-13:45: Nasreen Jaffer (Dietician)
Diet and lifestyle – Banting or not?
14:00-14:15: Wardah Hendricks (Fitness Instructor)
Exercise demonstration- all welcome to join in!
14:30-14:45: Celeste Taylor (Occupational Therapist)
Neurodevelopmental milestones in children,cognitive and learning challenges
15:00-15:15: Shenaaz Moos (Psychological Counsellor)
Raising a child with a healthy self-esteem. How to recognize behavioral issues like anger and bullying and how to deal with issues promptly.
15:30– 15:45: Roshaan Misbach
Coping with the challenges of being holistically balanced Muslim woman today
***Kiddies Corner***
Activities all day, bring your kids!
Pony rides! Thomas the Train! Jumping Castle!
Play dough, sand art, colour & play, storytelling, drums, popcorn machine!
Arts and craft area – make a card for our friends at the orphanage.
…and more!
***Unleashing Creativity with Kanje Kraft & Kreations***
Get your fingers inky with scrapbooking, card-making, and rubber-stamping!
Book a session and let the creativity flow!
***Visual Thikr*** take the written word beyond pen and paper into this beautiful art form of Calligraphy
***Nasheed Competition***
Calling all soloists and Nasheed groups…
Entries open for the Nasheed competition now!
Join us for an afternoon of beautiful praises of our Rabb and His Messenger (SAW).
(Guest appearance by Al Azhar Girls Nasheed group)
Bookings & info for all session, talks, classes and demos:
Contact Roshaan on 074 1862808
Email The Sisterhood on: annursisterhood@gmail.com