Author: muslimah

Announcements: Laylatul Qadr & the last 10 Nights of Ramadan

Asalaamu Alaykom. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon Nabi Muhammed SAWS, the Ambiyaa before him and to you dear sisters. It is that time of year where we find ourselves in the midst of the auspicious final 10 days & nights of Ramadan. We humbly apologise for our lack of posts and updates. Ramadan has us in a time crunch to maximise our ibadah during the final 10 days of the blessed month. Laylatul Qadr is upon our doors and we should strive to make the most of this time. Draw up your dua list:)...

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Pinning a Scarf

17th January 2009 marks the day I decided to start wearing a scarf – Two weeks before I took my shahadah. I felt so lovely and exotic, covering up… I looked at myself in the mirror and was proud of the lady looking back, draped in scarf and sparkly eyed. I felt as if God had enveloped me; that that cloth was like God’s hands, keeping me safe and giving me strength. I felt so beautiful. The first scarf I bought was milk-chocolate brown, light loosely woven cotton with lines of sequins going length-ways. I didn’t know how to do a scarf properly; I wrapped it over my head a few times. I remember walking out of the shop wearing it, feeling like a different person. It was the proudest feeling, knowing that anyone who looked at me would know that I am a Muslim (or in my case, was seriously considering being a Muslim). Over the next few months I bought many many scarves. It was a lengthy process of trial and error to come to the conclusion that I’m only comfortable wearing black and that certain materials are absolutely useless. I now have drawers full of scarves I’ve never worn… stashed in the hope that one day I’ll have to wear a colourful outfit and might locate the perfectly coordinated colour scarf therein. Perhaps I’ll grow out...

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