DBN/JHB: Signs of the Hour
The signs of the hour are some of the most fascinating and interesting issues in Islamic theology. They are usually divided into the minor and major signs and in this course we will cover each area in much detail and reflection. Around 50 minor signs will be discussed and what the scholars have said about these hadith.
We will look into how we understand these hadith in light of historical and present day events. We will have a detailed look at the subject of the Mahdi and the most important hadith that relate to this person and some of those who claimed to the Mahdi. The major signs of the hour will be looked into in detail and also a look at the issue of predicting the hour itself.
Durban: 13 September 2014 | JHB : 14 September 2014
Register online www.alkauthar.org or email registration on durban@alkauthar.org
Fee: R150 Early Bird discount ends on the 31 August 2014.
Full Price : R195
Course Content:
In The Minor and Major signs of the Hour you will learn about –
1. The Islamic approach to issues related to the signs of the hour and how they are to be understood.
2. Common problems when explaining the hadith of the final hour in light of present day events.
3. The writers who were convinced they had worked out the Hour!
4. The minor signs of the Hour.
5. An important study of the Mahdi from the authentic sources.
6. The major signs of the hour in great detail.
7. When is the hour?
This course will go through the signs of the hour in detail over 2 days. This weekend will be full of insightful narrations, clarifying misconceptions and reflection in order for us to become more God conscious people.
Abdurrahmann Murad
Sheikh Abdurrahmann was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. He completed high school and a number of IT courses there and pursued his Islamic studies at Imam University, Riyadh, completing his Arabic and Sharīʿah studies (BA) here.
While in Riyadh he taught Qurʾan, Tajwīd, Islam, Fiqh & ʿAqīdah. Sheikh Aburrahmann has also worked in daʿwah offices, with Islamic websites and Jumuah magazine as a translator and editor.
Sheikh Abdurrahmann counsels new Muslims and has devised programmes for understanding Islam. He has been a group leader for Ḥajj and has produced educational programs for that as well.
Sheikh Abdurrahmann has translated and written numerous works many of which are in print. Among them a book on the laws of inheritance, on which subject he has also delivered courses, as well as dividing estates in Canada, USA & Saudi Arabia.
He is currently the director of Dar Al-Madinah Islamic society in Vancouver where he resides with his wife. His hobbies include camping, badminton and, of course, reading!
Sheikh Abdurrahmann brings us a wealth of experience in Islamic education and AlKauthar welcomes him as one of our tutors; we look forward to benefitting from him.
Abdurrahmann Murad
Sheikh Abdurrahmann was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. He completed high school and a number of IT courses there and pursued his Islamic studies at Imam University, Riyadh, completing his Arabic and Sharīʿah studies (BA) here.
While in Riyadh he taught Qurʾan, Tajwīd, Islam, Fiqh & ʿAqīdah. Sheikh Aburrahmann has also worked in daʿwah offices, with Islamic websites and Jumuah magazine as a translator and editor.
Sheikh Abdurrahmann counsels new Muslims and has devised programmes for understanding Islam. He has been a group leader for Ḥajj and has produced educational programs for that as well.
Sheikh Abdurrahmann has translated and written numerous works many of which are in print. Among them a book on the laws of inheritance, on which subject he has also delivered courses, as well as dividing estates in Canada, USA & Saudi Arabia.
He is currently the director of Dar Al-Madinah Islamic society in Vancouver where he resides with his wife. His hobbies include camping, badminton and, of course, reading!
Sheikh Abdurrahmann brings us a wealth of experience in Islamic education and AlKauthar welcomes him as one of our tutors; we look forward to benefitting from him.
– See more at: http://www.alkauthar.org/course.php?course=547#sthash.ucbLedXz.dpuf
This course will go through the signs of the hour in detail over 2 days. This weekend will be full of insightful narrations, clarifying misconceptions and reflection in order for us to become more God conscious people. – See more at: http://www.alkauthar.org/course.php?course=547#sthash.YgOS4auu.dpuf