Course: Evolution of Fiqh
Al-Huda Foundation presents a weekend seminar, The Evolution of Fiqh
Date: 8th & 9th June 2013
Venue: Burnley Lodge
Address: Burnley Road (off Jan Smuts Drive), Crawford, Cape Town (directions)
Times: Saturday: 8:30am – 5:45pm / Sunday: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Price: R150 per person including lunch and refreshments
Do you ever ask some of these questions:
- What is fiqh?
- How did fiqh develop and evolve?
- What are the Mathhabs?
- Why are there differences of opinion in the Mathhabs?
Some of the shuyookh presenting topics:
- Sheikh Yusuf Gassiep
- Sheikh Tariq Appleby
- Sheikh Anwar Adamson
- Sheikh Muhammad West
- Sheikh Aashiq Hill
- Sheikh Yaseen Adams
- Sheikh Ashraf Petersen
- Guest Speaker: Shaykh Kamdar is from Durban and is the Head Tutorial Assistant of the (IOU) Islamic Online University and author of ‘Having fun the halal way…’
Tickets are available at:
- Sawants Creations: Address: 32 Hadjie Ebrahim Cresent, Athlone, Tel: +27 21 699 1200
- Register Online
For more information contact:
Sulaiman 073 971 0877
Aaliyah 071 633 6003