A course on Angels, Jinn & Al Qadar

A course on Angels, Jinn & Al Qadar
Strengthen your faith, soften your heart and learn about matters of the unseen.

This is The Book, wherein there is no doubt, a guidance for the God-fearing who believe in the unseen. (Sūrat al-Baqarah, 2:2–3)

How does Islam view these creations of Allah? What are their characteristics? Learn about their fascinating world and begin to understand details about this amazing aspect of the Islamic creed.

Verily, We have created all things with qadr (divine preordainment). (Sūrat al-Qamar, 54:49)

Discover the relationship between free will and predestination, empower yourself with the correct arguments to resolve puzzling questions around this subject.

Western philosophy largely denies the unseen – this class will help you to respond to the arguments it presents against this and help you understand the true nature of these obligator pillars of Islamic faith.

Instructor:  Shaykh Tariq Appleby


Durban: 1-2 September2012 | Enrol here
Venue: UKZN, Howard College, TB Davis
Call: 0828607461
email: durban@alkauthar.org

JHB: 8-9 September 2012 | Enrol here
Venue: Wits Main Campus
Call: 0723727707
email: johannesburg@alkauthar.org

Book now to avoid disappointment. Limited seats available.
Price: R395.  Early bird special R350
Students: R195


Course Contents

Section 1: Belief in the Angels

1. The position of other faiths towards the existence of Angels
2. The wisdom behind the creation of Angels
3. Characteristics of the Angels
4. The effects of belief in the Angels on the life of the Muslim

Section 2: Belief in the Jinn

1. The position of other faiths towards the existance of the Jinn
2. The Wisdom behind the Creation of the Jinn
3. Al-Shayṭān (Satan)
4. Characteristics of Jinn

Section 3: Belief in al-Qadar

1. Definition of al-qadar
2. The History of Innovation in al-qadar
3. The Pillars of al-qadar
4. Allah is the Creator of all things
5. Wisdom behind the existence of calamities and sinfulness (in relation to the creation)
6. Reasons sinfulness is allowed (with respected to the kāfir)
7. Tawakkul 
8. Al-Tawfīq and al-khudhlān 
9. Can qadar be changed?
10. Religion and predestination do not contradict
11. Benefits of belief in al-qadar

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